FlackBash: The Elric Brothers, Age 11

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-Age 11-

I was walking down the street with my favorite alchemy book in hand. My mom and dad had been teaching me how to use both alchemy and alkestry since the year before.

I had it open to the most recent page I had stopped on the day before when two boys ran past me, knocking me over onto the ground. My book went flying and landed on the grass.

"Hey! Watch where you're going!" I yelled as I got up and brushed the dirt off my blue shorts.

They both turned and frowned. Both had golden hair and pretty golden eyes. Well, one was more golden than the other.

"Sorry, my brother wanted to show me something." The duller gold one said nervously.

I nodded, "Well, he needs to apologize too. He was the one who knocked me over and made my book fly out of my hands."

I had my arms crossed while the older brother grabbed my book and roughly shook it out making the multiple notes of mine fly out.

"Now you've gone and done it! Those were my notes, idiot!" I screeched and began picking my notes up.

The older brother began helping when I snatched my book back from him and stuffed all my notes inside then hit him over the head with it multiple times.

"Next time, watch where you're going! Also, don't thrash my book around!" I roared as I began punching him.

He dodged a couple of times before Izumi Curtis came out and in between me and the boy.

"Daniella, what is the meaning of this?" She asked curtly.

I cowered a little, "Those boys knocked me over making my book fall and then the older one grabbed my book and thrashed it about making my notes fall out."

She knelt to my level, "Dani, hitting him won't solve anything. Besides, those two are my students."

"I thought..." I bit my thumb nail, "I thought you didn't take students. That's why my parents are teaching me. It's so I can give back to people."

She shook her head, "Where are your parents, Dani?"

"They went to Central this morning..."

She sighed and grabbed my hand from my mouth, "Let's walk you home and get some things so you can stay with me, dear."

She stood up and pulled me along to my family's home. It was a decent sized house with a light blue exterior. It was two stories tall.

"Wow!" One of the boys exclaimed.

I turned with a glare, "Why are they following us?"

"Dani, they're my students. Remember that." Izumi reminded me.

I huffed and opened the front door letting them in.

"You two," I pointed to the two boys, "don't wreck or transmute anything in this house otherwise my dog'll bite you."

My big white Great Peranese bounded over and licked my face.

"Aw, gross! Come on Papi! I've told you not to lick my face!" I giggled.

I bounded up to my room and grabbed my bag. I stuffed some clothes, books, and my baby blanket. I zipped my bag closed and ran downstairs to find Papi licking both boys.

"Papi! Come!" I laughed and she bounded over to me.

Izumi grabbed my bag and Papi's collar then we walked to her home. I held my book carefully and sat down outside their kitchen on the door step. I opened it and frowned. This wasn't my book.

"Whoa! This is some pretty advanced stuff! Why're you reading it?" The elder boy asked as he scanned the pages of my book.

"Give it back to gold faced, meanie!" I snapped and rushed over to where he was reading my book.

I snatched my actual book away from him snapping it shut.

"You're mean! Why do read when you also have to try defending yourself?" He asked.

I raised an eyebrow, "Try hitting me."

"No way! You're a girl!" He exclaimed.

"You want to see if I can defend myself," I crossed my arms after setting my book down, "so come at me. I'll see what you can do and vice versa."

He nodded and threw a fist at me. I dodged and jabbed him in the side. He squeaked and came for me again. I grabbed his fist this time and he threw the other. I grabbed it and twisted it so it looked like I was almost hugging him from behind. I let go of his hands and pushed him down. Then I pulled the metal pipe my parents had me use for training and thrust it under his chin.

"How did you do that?!" The younger brother yelped from where he was perched.

"My parents taught me. We spar every night they're home. How long've you guys been here?" I asked.

The older one got up and brushed himself off, "Two months. We spent a month on Yock Island."

Nodding, I put my pipe away and walked off.

"Hey, your name's Dani, right? I'm Edward Elric and this is my younger brother Alphonse!" The older one cried before I made it inside.

I nodded and closed the door behind me. They were cool guys.

The WhiteShadows Alchemist -An FMA:Brotherhood Fic-Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant