Chapter Three- Found

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-Chapter Three-


I sat right outside their hotel room and thought.

I put my head in between my knees as I tried to stop thinking of the pictures I got Riza to show me.




Blood everywhere.

I took deep breaths and finally regained my cool when the doors to both rooms opened. Ed had just come back from Xerxes while the others had been beaten pretty badly. Roy was in the hospital while Havoc would never walk again.

I slowly moved after Ed and Al when they both looked back.

"Brother, do you ever think about Dani? She seemed sort of stressed out when we left. Should we call her?" Al asked.

Ed sighed, "Probably, but after we get Scar."

They both walked out and I followed them. We walked all the way close to the warehouse district. I watched from above and couldn't help but touch my still healing wound across my abdomen.

"Colonel, aren't you supposed to be in the hospital?" Ed asked.

Roy scoffed, "You think that'll keep me from working? Hell no. Still, we have eyes in the sky. Good ones at it."

"Lust!" Gluttony called out mournfully.

I glared, "Dammit... Yo Roy, Blubber Boy up here ain't gonna stay down. Catch my drift?"

He looked up and I huffed. No. Nuh uh.

"Keep him occupied." He ordered.

Ed and Al looked at me shocked. Who cares.

I glowered as I made my staff into a sword, "If I get killed, tell my family. And Roy, stop staring at Riza. We all know you have a secret crush on Bradley."

I was just joking, of course. Roy glared intensely at me as I slunked off to keep our friend busy.

I just sat there as he wandered, not even close to them or me. What fun this was.

"Mm, what do we have here? A snoop?" I heard Bradley ask.

"Eh, more or so a hawk. I watch, waiting for my prey." I crossed my arms.

He chuckled, "The famous WhiteShadows. No one knows what's under that hood, do they?"

"A few key people. You'd recognize me if I wasn't wearing this."

I kept my sword by my side when I heard Bradley take a swing at me. I blocked and we went on to spar. I drew blood from a few cuts, but he had stabbed my upper bicep then my other arm, my Automail.

We were battling when his sword cut my cheek. Dammit.

"Close enough, Bradley. You're not touching my hood." I growled and flipped off the building.

He didn't follow, but I could tell he almost saw my face. I rushed to Ed and Al's sides as they battled Scar.

I joined in and stopped an attack with my left hand.

"Scar, the government is corrupt. These guys are trying to right it." I said quickly before he threw me to the side.

I flipped and slid to the edge of a void and grunted as my arm moved uncomfortably.

"Stay out of this WhiteShadows girl. If you interfere I will have to kill you." Scar scowled.

I smirked and transmuted my staff into my sword and ran at him. I knew he would dodge so I used my left hand to grip my sword and grabbed him with my right hand. I dragged him out of the battle and let him push me against a wall.

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