Chapter One- Beasts of Dublith, Interrupted

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-Chapter One-


I was about to cut Greed when someone came out of nowhere and knocked me back into the wall.

"This is my fight." They said, sounding like a girl.

Greed groaned, "Not you again. I thought I told you-"

He was cut off by the person swinging a long metal blade at him and it hitting him in the throat.

"You made it my business when you wrecked a home and took someone!" The person growled.

"Kid, it wasn't even me! I was here and someone must've pretended to be me-"

"Shut up, bastard! Where are they?!"

I caught a glimpse of long dark brown hair and even the figure of a girl.

"Who are you?" I asked loudly.

She turned her hooded head towards me breifly, "No one that concerns you at the moment, Fullmetal Alchemist."

I could only make out the side of her face and the slight figure her clothes fit to. As far as I could tell, she was a very pretty girl.

"Come on! I've told you everything-"

She scoffed and looked right at him, "What about the fact your a Homunculus? Mm, you terrorized my friend a few years back. I wonder... What can I do to get you out of here?"

She leveped the blade at him. Growling, Greed transformed himself. I could tell she was about to strike when Teacher came in and knocked everyone flat. The girl flew back into the wall with a few debries cutting her.

"Fine. I'll go after the others." She muttered.

With that, the girl took off.


I was running down the strip of concrete when I began to see the blood. There was a lot of it...

I skittered to a stop before spotting a man in partial military garb and swords.

"Furher King Bradley..." I murmured.

He turned and looked at me.

"Hello, dear, what brings you down here?" He asked while aproaching me.

My palms went slick, "Um, well, I came to help you guys out and I was sort of in the area..."

He nodded and stopped stalking towards me.

"You look like a very smart girl, could you be a dear a find Alphonse Elric for me?" He smiled.

I could tell though, he was secretly loathing me for interrupting him. I nodded and slowly walked past him. I kept my hood down over my face and then took off running. I tripped over something, or more someone, and landed on my front.

"Oh! Sorry..." I heard Alphonse say.

I gulped, "Hi, I guess we've met..."

In truth, I knew Ed and Al from a long time ago. It was when they were first training in Dublith. Izumi Curtis was my mother's best friend.

"What do you mean? Who are you?" He asked.

"Sh." I said, also to Martel, "He's around the corner."

I peered past my sheet of bangs and heard Bradley and Greed fighting. Dammit. I looked farther and found several people. One was split in half and the other had his head cut off.

"That's..." I didn't even finish my sentence before puking into the water beside me.

"He! Are you alright?!" Al asked, worried.

I waved him off, "I am, just... I need to go. Don't tell anyone about me."

I got up and walked off. Right when I turned the corner I transmuted a piece of concrete above to open into the underground. I quickly climbed through and closed it up. Before I took off running, I saw that the military men were from Central. The capital of a corrupt land.

I had just taken off running when I hit a wall. I bounced back and was about to land on my bum before I flipped and landed in a crouch.

"Woah there! Slow down, girl." The brooding voice of Alex Louis Armstrong said as he gazed down on me.

"Sorry, sir, I wasn't watching where I was going." I replied quietly and tried to go around him.

He stopped me with a hand to the shoulder and I glowered. I grabbed the end of my hood, making sure it was low before shrugging his hand off.

"Hey! There she is!" I heard Ed yell.

I bolted from where I was standing and took off down the street.


"Dad, wake up! Please! I need you to wake up and get us out of here!" I screamed as I pulled on his shirt.

He looked like the typical Amestrian except for his closed grey eyes and slightly tanner skin.

My mom was off on a trip, but I knew she would freak out since our house was burning down.

I grabbed my dad's shirt and tugged even harder with no avail, since he was a dead weight. I tied my hair back and began drawing a transmutation circle around us. I looked at him then at the circle when I pressed my hands to it.

I was trying to bring him back to life using my own life.

"So you meddled with this, girl. What price are you willing to pay?" The man in front of me grinned.

"The truth..." I murmured in shock.

He grinned, "Smart. I like you, so I'll let you off by taking only a small something."

Hands reached out and grabbed me, then they wrapped around my body, dragging me into the void. Images rushed past and I could feel my body deteriorating.

'No!' I had to make it through.

I watched intently and felt my left arm start breaking down. Shit!

I fought long and hard to keep my body whole before I was out. I was on my back gasping for air.

"You're a strong one. Hm, I like you, but you still have a price to pay." He sighed.

When I opened my eyes, I saw that my right arm was gone and that I was laying in a pile of ash with some wooden beams scattered around me. One was lying over the place where my left arm used to be and another right over my right shoulder.



I sat bolt right up and ran my non automail hand over my scarred face. I was in my small apartment with my sister lying asleep close by.

Getting up, I grabbed a paper and pen, quickly writing down what I was going to do. I grabbed my small supplies bag and opened the window.

"Love you, Molls... Sorry about this." I murmured and slipped into the night.


Yay! So we finally have the first chapter up! Now just the other ones. Be ready for Flash Backs!

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