FlashBack: They're Back, Age 16

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-Age 16-

I was in the shower when the doorbell rang.

"Molly! Don't answer it!" I yelled as I shut the water off and dried my Automail off quickly before wrapping myself in a towel.

"Hi mister and armor man!" Molly giggled from the door.

"Molly!" I cried and ran out in only a towel.

I came to the living room where Molly stood with two people. One who was my height and the other was in a suit of armor.

"Molly, what have I told you about letting people in when I'm not there?" I sighed.

She pouted, "Don't let anyone in unless I know them or you're there."

I sighed nodding, "Sorry about my little sis... Ed! Al! What-Uh... I'm just gonna go get dressed..."

I turned scarlet and ran back to my room. I slammed my door shut and quickly got dressed in a pair of white shorts and my small blue tank top. I pulled on socks then my tan boots and rushed out while yanking a brush through my still wet hair.

I sat down across from Ed and Al in the room as Molly played with her dolls.

"Sorry about that. Molly tends to do things like that. Um... What brings you to Dublith?" I asked while scratching the back of my neck.

Ed smiled, "You look well. We were coming here to talk to Teacher."

"Izumi is in her meat shop, you know that." I laughed.

His face paled, "Yeah... Well, we're sort of... Scared."

"Ed, she slapped me when she found out what I did. I can't help you at all. Besides, I have to take care of my little sister." I picked Molly up and she snuggled into my chest, "She's only four and she thinks of me as more a mom than our mother. I have many regrets, but my baby sister isn't one of them."

I looked up at the two as they stared at us. Molly slowly fell asleep in my arms and soon she was hugging my Automail.

Al laughed quietly, "I'll go put her down. Where's her room?"

"Third door on the left. Put her down softly, she hates to be woken up roughly." I sighed and covered my left eye.

Al took her and I looked at Ed. He was sitting there with a thoughtful look on his face and tapping his Automail leg.

"I have your jacket from last year. Do you want it back?" I asked quickly.

Ed shook his head, "I got a new one. You can keep the other one. How's your mom?"

"Busy," I lied, "she hasn't been around lately."

He nodded and twiddled his thumbs. I sat there tapping my Automail when Al came back in. He stopped short when he saw us sitting there.

"Dani, how've you been since..."

"Since my dad died? Well, I've had a lot of responibility with Molly," I sighed, "so I dropped out of school and I study at home now. My mom is almost a rare show up, Papi died after the fire, Izumi helps take care of Molly when I have to go away, and I'll go to Resembool for a tune up every other month. What about you guys?"

Al shifted along with Ed, "We've been facing some threats lately... Homunculi and Scar..."

"Wait, wait, wait. Scar?! As in the one who's been killing STATE Alchemists?! Are you fucking crazy?" I whisper yelled.

"And that's what she gets from it..." Al sighed.

Ed looked at me intently, "We've been looking for a Philosiphers Stone... Except we found out what they use..."

I raised an eyebrow along with crossing my arms and leaning back. We sat in silence for five minutes and they better have remembered I hate silence.

"They use multiple human souls." Al broke the silence.

I gasped and touched my burn scar. The one over my jaw and neck. That was the most painful...

"Wh-what else has been threatening you?" I asked.

"Homunculi, you remember the myths?" Ed pressed.

I nodded slowly and felt myself begin to shake. I knew exactly what. I'd been acting the entire time.


Yo, yo, yo!

Yeah, as you can tell, I've been watching anime. Soul Eater, Fairy Tail, FMA, FMAB, Blue Exorcist (Not far into it yet!), and not may more. Yeaaaah.

First flash back though! Be prepared for a bumpy ride!

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