Chapter Five~ Briggs

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-Chapter Five-


"Wake up, Dani!"

I groaned and opened my eyes. Ed was grinning down at me and I smiled.

"Hey, we up north?" I yawned and stretched.

He let me up and then I realized I had been lying across his lap. I blushed and looked outside. There was snow everywhere. That's when I had tears streaming down my cheeks.

I stood up and ran outside. I had my bag over my shoulders and my gloves over my hands. I tugged my scarf over my mouth and pulled ear muffs over my peircings. I rushed out onto the street and down the stairs when I slipped and fell.

"Dani!" Ed and Al both yelled as soon as I fell.

I curled up and began sobbing harder. My father promised to bring me out here once. To play in the snow and forget everything back home.

Ed slipped down beside me and looked at my face.

"Dani, are you alright?" He asked and looked at my face.

I looked at him and shook my head, "My dad promised to bring me here one day... That didn't happen..."

Ed pulled me into a hug softening my sobs and Al stopped next to us. I stopped and looked at Ed.

"S-sorry... I just remembered and... Oh Ed, I got your jacket wet." I laughed and began rubbing my frozen tears from his shoulder.

He stopped my hand and got up, pulling me with him.

"Come on, we're walking to the Northern Wall of Briggs." He said and pulled me along.

I nodded and stumbled after him. After our train ride to Briggs we began looking for a ride.

When we finally got a ride, I was calm and resting my head against Ed's shoulder.

Ed sneezed.

"Catching a cold are you?" The driver asked.

Ed chuckled, "That's Briggs for you."

I nodded and lifted my head. I was so tired now-a-days... It was most likely from how much blood that I've lost over the years.

"This is as far as I'm takin' you all. Just take the path and you'll end up at Fort Briggs." The driver.

"Okay, thank you." I said and got off.

I began walking and heard the man say something, but couldn't make it out. I continued walking until Ed and Al caught up with me.


"I knew the weather changed constantly, but this is a little extreme, don't you think?" Ed called over the snow storm.

I was super cold and super glad I had Winry fix my Automail for the Northern cold.

"I'm just cold." I chattered and tugged my hood over my already wet hair.

Al grabbed my other hand and we began moving again. That's when I felt something tear.

I looked down at my stomach and found that the stitches there had been ripped open, again.

"Ed!" I called over the wind again.

He looked at me, "What? Are you alright? Are your wounds alright?"

I shook my head, "My stitches ripped, again!"

His eyes widened and he rushed over. I was holding my stomach when he reached me and he took me in his arms.

"Dani, stay awake." He panicked.

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