Chapter Six: Ice Queen Helps

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-Chapter Six-


I woke up to someone poking my side. My eyes snapped open and I found myself being poked by Ed.

"Stop it, Ed." I yawned and stretched.

He grinned and pulled me up. I carefully took the needle out of my arm and bent it so nothing came out. I got up and grabbed my bag to change.

"Get out." I told Ed.

He frowned, "Why?"

"I don't know, so I can change?" I asked sarcastically.

He nodded, turning pink, and left. I pulled out a change of white pants and another black shirt. I tugged my shirt over my head and felt someone's eyes on my back. I looked over my shoulder to find Ed looking at the flamel on my right shoulder.

"Oh, I got that a while ago." I noted and pulled my shirt on.

He nodded and turned back around. I changed my pants and pulled my winter clothes back on. I walked over to Ed and smiled.

I put my arm around his shoulders, "If you ever want a closer look, just ask."

He nodded silently as we walked down the halls, Al following, and down a ton of levels. I had my arms crossed as the boys were told to go down with Olivier.

"You coming, Daniella?" She asked.

I smiled and raised an eyebrow, "Me? I thought you'd never ask."

She smirked as I grabbed a rope and slid down onto the back of a horse. Well, there weren't enough for all of us, so I shared with Ed. I could just barely see the blush on his cheeks, so I moved back a little. I almost fell off, but Ed grabbed my waist from in front of me and slid me closer.

"Hang on. I know it's weird, but... Put your arms around my torso." He advised.

I did as he said and looked over his shoulder.

"You're taller than you were last year." I noted quietly.

He glanced back at me, "You think?"

I nodded and he went back to looking ahead. I reached a hand up in front and played with his hair.

"It's long, I'll give you that." I smiled and tucked my own hair behind my shoulder.

"Your's is longer." He huffed.

I sighed, "No, Ed. Ugh, not that it's not nice or anything, but I still remember you and Al having short hair that couldn't be pulled back."

He nodded and I looked at his face again. He was filling out and becoming more... Well, manlier.

"This is far enough." Olivier said and dismounted.

Ed got off first and held my waist as I jumped off. I gave him a small smile before walking over to where Olivier was sitting.

She looked to the brothers then me, "Give me answers."

Ed and Al exchanged a look, "Okay."


"The country is an entire transmutation circle?!" Ed exclaimed.

I sighed, "I knew it came to this. Am I glad my dad warned me about this."

"He knew?! Why wasn't he killed?" Al asked.

I glared, "He was killed alright. Lust came and murdered him right above me. He told me everything before he died. Our house was burning down and I tried human transmutation to bring him back right then and there. One, I didn't have the ingrediants and two, I lost my arm because of it."

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