Chapter Four- Love?

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-Chapter Four-


It had been a day before I actually saw them again due to me being stuck inside while I healed.

"What am I supposed to do if you won't let me leave the house, old man?!" I screamed as Dr. Knox pushed me back down into a seat.

"Just leave the pictures alone, child!" He roared back.

I huffed, "Fine, but if I'm stuck inside the entire time, I'm cleaning up this dump you call a house."

I leaned down and grabbed the tons of dishes he had piled up and began cleaning. I was now dressed in black pants, a button down, and house slippers since Roy brought my stuff over yesterday.

I had my arms deep in soapy water when I heard the front door open. I ignored the visitors and continued to wash until someone came into the kitchen. I looked over my shoulder and there was Ed and Al.

"Ed! Al!" I yelled and lept over to hug Ed.

He caught me and I grinned.

"Thank you for keeping that order." I murmured and pressed my cheek against his.

We separated and I gave Al a hug, even though he was armor. He patted my back and I unwrapped my arms from him.

"How far does that burn go?" He asked curiously while pointing to the burn scar on my neck.

"Pretty far." I opened the neck of the shirt one button and pulled it over my shoulder.

The scar went from the bottom of my jaw to the begining of my Automail. It also covered the entire front of my shoulder.

Ed's cheeks turned pink and I looked away as his fingers traced the edges. I cleared my throat and pulled my collar back before his fingers reached the edge over my heart.

"That must've hurt..." Ed commented.

I looked at him, "It did at first. After the years, it's become a scar."

He nodded and I heard Dr. Knox complaining about how this house was filled with patients.

"First the older two and now this one?! Ugh!"

"Does that mean I can get out of here now?" I asked hopeful.

"No, you idiot! You're still hurt and you could reopen your wounds, again!" He roared.

Ed chuckled, "Al and I are going to go and research Alkestry. We'll be back sometime later."

I nodded and hugged him again.

"Don't go doing something stupid unless I'm there." I advised and let go of him.

He nodded and they both left. Dr. Knox came in and looked at me.

"You love him, don't you?" He asked roughly.

I frowned, "Who?"

"The one not in the armor. You love him considering you're attached to him most of the time." He replied as he leaned against the counter.

My cheeks flamed, "Ed? No, no, no. We were childhood friends and I only saw him again last year at the Christmas ball. I can't be in love with him... Can I?"

He raised an eyebrow, "It's possible, girl. You and him are very similar. Stubborn and hard headed."

I stopped cleaning and looked at the doctor.

"You seriously believe I love him?"

"It's obvious. You do love that boy."

I looked down at my hands and began shaking slightly. That's when the boys came back and I heard Al talking to Lan Fan. I put everything down and walked into the other room where May was gone.

"Oh shit!" I muttered and rushed upstairs.

I slid right in the middle of the two fighting girls and glowered.

"Anyone have anything to say?" I asked slowly.

May looked at me, "Who are you?"

"I'm Dani," I sighed, "Daniella Howard, also known as WhiteShadows."

Lan Fan nodded as May jumped in surprise.

"You're that scary woman that's always hanging around Alphonse and Edward?!" She exclaimed.

I raised an eyebrow, "You think I'm scary? Sorry if it came off that way. You remind me of my baby sister a little."

She hugged Shao May and smiled a little.

"I'm sorry if I'm being mean." She mumbled.

I ruffled her hair and gave a curt nod to Lan Fan. Al sighed and so did the doctor.


"Dani! We're heading North!" Ed caled from downstairs.

I groaned as I finally woke up. I lifted my head from my pillow and quickly changed out of my pajama shirt into blue pants and a plain black top. I tucked my pants into my tan boots and pulled on my now gold jacket. I tucked my pony tail under the collar and pulled a scarf around my neck. I grabbed my bag and rushed down the stairs into Ed.

"I'm coming with you." I said a little drowsy.

He sighed, "Doc, is she allowed to come with us?"

"Her?" Knox scoffed, "She's been wanting out of here. Just make sure she doesn't do anything stupid. If her wounds reopen, get them treated immediately. Both did a lot of damage."

I beamed and hugged Knox. He froze for a moment before pushing me away. He nodded gruffly before I followed Ed and Al outside. I grinned and grabbed both of their hands, dragging them towards the train station.

"You're excited." Al laughed.

"I've been stuck in that house for ages! You guys know I hate confined spaces." I grumbled and slowed down.

Ed's hand gripped my own and I realized that our Automail hands were intertwined. I blushed and let go of their hands.

"Um... Let me get the tickets." Ed said and walked towards the ticket master.

Al and I stood close by, but out of hearing distance.

"Dani, do you love Brother?" Al asked out of nowhere.

"What?!" I squeaked.

I looked at Al in shock.

"I talked with Lan Fan. She overheard your conversation with Doctor Knox. Do you?" He asked.

I turned super pink, "I don't know, truthfully. I-I mean, Ed is a close childhood friend, but I'm sort of confused wheather or not that love is the correct word to describe our relationship. Wouldn't he love Winry?"

Al sighed, "He worries about the both of you. If he talked the most about either one of you, it'd be you. He just found out you were WhiteShadows and now he wants to keep you off the battlefield as much as possible. It was hard to keep him from worrying about you when we were battling Gluttony."

I rubbed my forehead, "I'm just glad that Lust is dead."

"Huh?" Al asked.

I shook my head as Ed came over with tickets.

"Three for North City. Let's catch our train." Ed said and grabbed my hand.

We rushed onto the train and Ed sat down next to me. I was still sleepy and rested my head against his shoulder.

"I'm sleeping the entire ride. See you then." I mumbled and shut my eyes.

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