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Two days had passed since the murder, and the situation was slowly calming down.
While people were still very sad, there was less chaos and panic.

Cindy being announced as the new leader helped, because people had someone to trust. Trust was very important at the moment.
Of course not everyone accepted the new boss, however that was normal, it would take some time.

Now that things had calmed down, it was time to plan their attack. They had to show their strength or the Mafia would kill even more of their people.

"So you're saying we should split up? I don't think that's a good idea, that never works. I know that." Daniel replied to a suggestion by Anne, he looked at Hosuh, they both knew how bad of an idea that was.

Hosuh grinned slightly. "Daniel is right, no splitting up."

Anne chuckled. "You didn't seem to be very bothered back then." She added. Anne was incredibly good at brightening the mood recently, as if she knew things would end well.

Stephen glared at her. "Let's go back to what we actually need to discuss." He grumbled.

Anne smiled. "Fine." Then she looked at Simon, Pau and Mona. "You got any ideas?"

They were seated in Mona's house, at the dining table. The only one missing was Cindy, who was way too busy with her tasks at the library and as the boss.

Simon looked at Anne intently, as if something was wrong, as if he was waiting for something. Then he sighed and shook his head. He mumbled something along the lines of "It can't be.."

For a moment Anne looked uncomfortable, nervous even.

Then he turned to face Mona. "But we can't let all of our best fighters go there, the city will be unprotected."

Mona nodded, then she scribbled something on her notebook.
A moment later she showed the page to the others.

Stay: Pau, Cindy

Leave: Daniel, Hosuh, Stephen, Anne, Joe, Simon, Mona

Stephen blinked a couple times. "Isn't this really unbalanced?" He asked with a sceptic look on his face.

Dan shook his head. "Keep in mind that there still is this city full of people that can use magic here."

"They probably won't concentrate all their forces here either. That way they would leave themselves wide open. I am pretty sure they know we are coming." Joe added.

Simon nodded. "On that note. We should part today, because we don't have any time." He explained.

Everyone nodded.

"Well then, get all your things. It doesn't matter if people see us. They know we are coming anyway." Daniel announced.

Packing took about half an hour, mostly to get all the projectiles they needed for their guns.

Mona handed guns to everyone, which Daniel found confusing.
"Why do you all need guns, you could just use magic." He mumbled.

Mona shook her head.

"A lot of us don't have attack oriented magic. Or in Mona's case she only uses hers very rarely.
Originally they were used by the Mafia, mostly because...because Jay could easily stop their magic, however, that didn't work with guns." Simon explained.

"Oh, that makes sense." Daniel mumbled, hoping he hadn't caused too much distress.

Once they were ready with packing, Pau accompanied them to the waterfall exit.

All of them left the weird city feeling strangely glad to see the real sun again.

Joe looked up at the sky hopefully. He just really hoped that something from above there would give him a sign.
He was rather restless, he still had no clue what Jay had wanted to tell him before he died. And he also had some distinct worries because of his theory of who the traitor was.

"Hey, Joe! Aren't you gonna say good bye to me?" Pau complained.

Joe smiled slightly at her, then hugged her.

Pau was very keen on hugging all of them before they left.

The last person she hugged was Anne. And the both of them hugged each other for a way longer period of time, as if they had waited to do so.

Daniel smiled, though he wondered since when the both of them were such good friends.

Author's comment:

Aaaaaaaand I'm late again.
Tbh I have a huge writers block so I kinda force myself to write these because I really want to finish this book.
Hope u like it either way!

See you next time, girlfriends boyfriends and none binary lovers!

Shadows- a Danplan fanfiction Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon