On the way

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The sun was rising slowly, colouring the forest with its pink, warm light, indicating they'd been walking for a bit less than a day.
They should have been tired, but they weren't. Everyone was nervous, filled with the need to prove themselves in some type of way.
They wanted to arrive at that godless village as fast as they could, yet at the some time they were scared of getting there.
Next to all those thoughts, there was no room for tiredness.

"Hey, we need to turn left now, to get better access to the mountain." Daniel informed the others. By now he was used to his role, he would simply read out what Mona wrote on her Notebook. He didn't mind, like this they would reach the village way faster.
Somehow Daniel had a good feeling about going there. Maybe it was because he'd get closure.
He'd been endlessly pondering about what those mysterious dreams he'd had meant. What were they supposed to tell him? What was he supposed to see?
He simply wanted answers, and somehow, he just knew that once he'd arrive at the village, he would find them.

That morning, a soft wind was blowing, as if to indicate that soon enough summer would end. That unbearably warm season was about to be over.
It seemed as though they still had time, but that was more of an illusion.

There it was again, they didn't have time. 'Time to do what?' Daniel wondered desperately.

"So, are we gonna climb the mountains today?" Anne asked curiously. She seemed to be the one rushing the most.

Mona shook her head.

"I guess not." Joe replied. Said man was already shaking in fear, at the mere thought of a fight, especially one as huge as the one before him.
He'd noticed that almost everyone else was really eager to get there, so he wasn't going to slow them down. He just feared that he'd be more of an obstacle than a help.
He sighed as he picked up his pace, with the goal to not be the slowest one of the group.
He quickly walked past Stephen, who was the least motivated out of them all.
The necromancer was walking rather slowly in a stomping manner. However he was unusually quiet and didn't complain about the long road.

Joe noticed that Hosuh was walking at about the same speed as him, so he decided to walk next to said healer.
There was something he admired about Hosuh, he had really taken a liking to him.
They were really similar, and they could comfort each other, but there was something that Hosuh had, that Joe lacked.

As Hosuh noticed the dark haired male, he gave him an encouraging smile.

There it was, again, that thing that Joe lacked. That way of reassuring people when he wasn't even sure himself.
'Is selfless the right term?'
Joe thought quietly.
It was close, but it wasn't quite it, there was something more calculated and mature about Hosuh's actions.
'Or maybe I'm just over thinking.'
Joe concluded quietly.
"Do you think we'll be fine? I feel unprepared." Joe mumbled, looking at the silver haired healer.

Hosuh sighed, before looking up at the sky, then he pointed at a white pigeon flying over them. "People say that those indicate luck and future peace." He answered.

Joe laughed. "Hm, they told me that in church, but I also saw lots of crows earlier, so I don't know how much we can trust it."

Hosuh smiled. "Well you also shouldn't believe everything people say." He slowed down for a minute, to stretch.
"I think this is a beautiful morning."

Joe smiled softly. "It is."
Then he sighed again. "I don't think it makes much sense to bring me along, you know? I don't really have any magic, or fighting experience. I'll just slow you down."

Hosuh looked at the sky some more, as he picked up his pace again. "You know, magic doesn't work that way. Have you ever tried using it?" He said slowly, he was hesitant, because he didn't know if he could tell Joe that much, since he could be a traitor.

The brown haired man's eyebrows furrowed. "Wait, what do you mean by that?" He asked slowly. "Of course I haven't tried using magic, I don't have any."

Hosuh shook his head. "I don't have magic either."

Joe looked at him in confusion. "B-but you do! I saw it with my own eyes... I might not have had my glasses, but I wasn't that blind either."

Hosuh smiled mysteriously, then he made a small blue flame appear on his palm. "You see, I might control it, but I don't own it in any way.
Magic is something so big, it can't be anyone's possession."
He explained.

Joe looked at the flame in his friend's palm, he was more curious than scared. "But then, how do you use it?" He asked.

"Intuitively, by having your emotions, as well as your body under control." Hosuh replied.

"D-do you think I could do that too?" Joe asked softly. Deep down he somehow wished he could. He wanted to be part of the group, not just be with them. He didn't know since when he had that wish, but he had it.

Hosuh chuckled. "You wanna be a witch too?" He asked jokingly.

Joe blushed with embarrassment. "I guess so."

They kept walking closer to the mountains, were the wind became stronger.
"I have a bad feeling about this."
Joe whispered, as he watched the high mountain before him.
As he walked, he kept noticing  white feathers laying on their way.
"Hey, Hosuh, let's hold hands, not because we have to, I just want to." He suggested.

Hosuh laughed. "Sure."

Author's comment:
Heyyyyy,here's a new chapter, more on the wholesome side. With a video reference!
I hope you like it!
Ah yes, the calm before the storm.

Anyway, thank you very much for over 10k reads that means a lot to me❤

See you next time, girlfriends boyfriends and none binary lovers!

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