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The reaction to the sound was immediate. Running.
Daniel was the quickest one to react, and run to hide behind one of the small houses, pulling Anne with him, since she looked somehow absent.
The house had stable looking walls, so Daniel deemed it a good shield from whatever was attacking them.

Meanwhile Stephen had hidden behind a different house, keeping his head down. He should have known that he should never have gone back to that cursed city.
But he felt as though something had changed, something with the atmosphere. It wasn't chaotic, or smelled like smoke. They probably didn't need executions anymore.
It was clean of any form of magic, or at least that was what the people there believed.
Stephen could feel his breath becoming uneven, and his heart racing, as he wondered what in the world that damned noise was.

Hosuh and Joe, on the other hand, were a bit slower.
They stood there for a couple seconds, both of them recognizing the sound, though from different situations.
When Hosuh finally managed to pull himself together and run, grabbing Joe's arm to get him out of the situation as well, it was almost too late.
He felt something hot barely graze his shoulder, leaving a burning sensation of pain, even though it hadn't hit him completely.
Once safe behind a house wall, both Joe and Hosuh took a look at the healers wound.
It looked like a burn, somewhat like it had been caused by hot iron.
"What in the world is going on here?" Hosuh mumbled under his breath, baffled by the wound. It looked like something that could only have been caused by magic.

Joe looked thoughtful, as if he remembered something upon seeing that wound, but wasn't sure whether he should say it or not. "I-i don't know." He concluded, giving Hosuh a worried look. "Are you going to be ok?" He asked slowly, with an undertone of guilt, as if it had been his fault the healer was injured.

Hosuh shook his head. "It's gonna be ok, I'll take care of it later, we should focus on surviving this first."

Joe could only nod in agreement, feeling a slight sting of jealousy at the silver haired male's calmness.

Hosuh took a deep breath, before whispering "You know this place well right? Can you bring me to a good hiding-"

He was abruptly cut of by more loud noises, but now the were nearer, and he could hear the screams perfectly.

"You sure LOVE to follow me around! If you continue like that others might think you're into me, be careful!" He could hear female voice yell furiously at what seemed to be her opponent.

"Listen! We don't have time for your stupid games, you're outnumbered, give up and leave!" A more serious, deep male voice yelled back.

Their footsteps were heavy, as if they were jumping around, dodging whatever they were fighting with, followed by more loud noises.

Hosuh suddenly felt the urge to peek around the corner, and get a clear view of the situation, however he didn't know how much of a good idea that would be.
Curiosity quickly got the better of him though.
He crawled to the corner were the wall ended, and slowly looked around it, gripping onto the wall tightly, fearing the worst.
What he saw was more surprising than it was impressing. There was nothing that scary about the fight going on.
There were three people, two of them dressed completely in black, no cloaks, but hoods that covered their faces completely, one of them even wore a green mask covering their mouth.
The other figure, that seemed to be fighting them, was dressed in a lavender dress with pretty white details. A woman with stunning white hair and amber eyes, looking angelic underneath the sunlight.
The only thing that tainted her appearance was the strange weapon she held, it was unlike anything Hosuh had seen before.
It was a shooting weapon, but nothing like a bow and arrow, it seemed to be made of iron, and shot those weird things, that left steaming holes wherever it hit.

The other two fighters seemed to use smaller, similar weapons.

"You can't get in the way of my plan!" The woman yelled angrily at her opponents.

"We already did!" The male answered, dodging yet another attack. "Just leave, the rest of your team is down, you have no chance !" The man continued, aiming and shooting at her once again.

The attack was only barely dodged by the furious woman, who only now seemed to understand her situation.
"I'll get you next time!" She yelled as she began to retreat, still shooting at her opponents.

Before Hosuh could truly understand what was going on, he was tackled to the ground by Joe, as he heard yet another one of those noises, but now way too near.
He looked up at the wall, right were his face had been, and saw the steaming hole.
He gulped, terrified, thinking about what could have happened.
He stayed unmoving until he was sure the woman that had tried to shoot him completely retreated.

There was a moment of silence.
Even the other two people had stopped moving, as if to take a break, glad that their enemy was gone.

No more shots, no more footsteps, no more voices, just silence.

Of course it would eventually have to end.

Against all odds, the first one to speak was none other than Joe himself.
He was still very awkwardly laying on top of Hosuh, as a result of saving him, and felt the need to speak up.
"Are you alright?" He said rather quietly, praying that he hadn't been to late.

Hosuh nodded, and pointed at the hole in the wall, as an answer.

Joe turned around to see it, and felt a wave of relief pour over him.

Both of them had been so cought up in the moment, that they hadn't noticed the people walking toward them.

Only when they heard a deep male voice behind them.
"She scared you that much huh?" Was what the stranger commented upon seeing them.

Out of shock they immediately let go of each other, scrambling to their feet.
But that fear quickly ceased as they looked at the man's gentle brown, slightly red eyes, and understanding smile.
"You don't have to worry. We're the good guys." He stated with confidence.

Author's comment:
I hope you liked this very intense chapter, which revealed a couple things that are quite relevant for the plot.
The very obvious existence of guns, for example.

Anyway, I'm pretty sure you can guess who the new characters involved are.  They are going to explain a lot, in a couple chapters, so yeah.

Also if you think this is the last encounter in this town, then u was wrong.

I'm actually writing this on the last day of my summer holidays, school will start to torture me soon, I'm so not ready.

Anyway, See you next time, girlfriends boyfriends and none binary lovers❤!

Shadows- a Danplan fanfiction Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora