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Before they left the hospital, Daniel went to get his book from the shelf next to the bed.
It was still there, untouched.

Cindy was not sitting on her bed anymore, she had probably left the room when he was talking to his friends.
Daniel liked her, but he also thought there was something strange about her, something twisted.

Daniel sighed as he put the book in his pocket, and walked toward Hosuh and the others once more.

They had their eyes fixed on him, they were ready to take his orders, even Stephen was, which was quite rare.

While Daniel felt pressure, it wasn't the bad kind, it was the kind he could handle, the kind he wanted to handle.
He didn't feel dizzy anymore, maybe a bit sick, but not dizzy.
He was ready to think, and to make a plan for them, because that was what he was good at.
"Alright, listen. I would say that if we leave this place, we have to do so quietly, that is kind of obvious.
It's safe to assume we will be the next target, the Mafia is watching us. We need to leave absolutely unnoticed by anyone." Daniel began.

"But isn't it enough to just hide our appearance?" Anne asked, while playing with her soft hair.

Daniel shook his head. "I'm pretty sure they know where we are. They are going to check everyone that leaves the building."

Anne sighed. "This sure is complicated."

Hosuh looked down thoughtfully. "When we went to the hospital no one was following us. Somehow we were fine." He mumbled.

Daniel shook his head. "How can it be that the others just let you leave when they knew it was dangerous?" He wondered.

Hosuh laughed awkwardly, then he looked to the side. "Well." He began. "As you can imagine there was a lot of commotion at the bar. We were worried so we just walked away. It went unnoticed, because everyone was busy panicking." Hosuh explained.
"Besides, this place isn't that far from the bar."

Daniel nodded in understanding. "Then we probably should-"
Before he could finish his sentence, he was interrupted by the noise of the door opening.
Immediately he turned in its direction, ready to fight if he had to.

The others turned around as well, all of them starting at the door.

The person walking in was Mona, she had a distraught expression on her face, or better in her eyes, because they couldn't see what was going on behind her mask.
She was followed by Pau, who had red and puffy eyes from crying.
Next came Simon, and lastly Cindy.

"Did you really have to walk away like that?" Simon asked tiredly.
"If you would have died to, that would have been quite the difficult to explain to everyone." He mumbled.

"Well, a-at least all of you are fine. Searching you w-would have been difficult, I'm so glad that Cindy told us where you are." Pau said gratefully, her voice breaking from time to time.

Daniel was confused as to why Pau seemed more sad than Mona, when Mona was the one who had seemed closest to Jay.
Immediately he connected this to Jay's murder. Could it be that one of them was the traitor?
He shook his head. It was good to think, but being paranoid wasn't.

Mona took out a Notebook and nodded at Simon, as if to get him to talk.

Simon immediately got the hint. "We need to put this place in order, only then we can actually defend ourselves.
The new leader of this organization is going to be the only one with a 100% certain alibi, and that is Cindy.
During the time of death she was under constant surveillance by the healers at the hospital, most of the time asleep. She is not guilty.
However, the rest of us are suspects, all of us except Daniel, who was unconscious at the time." He started, listing all the facts without any emotion. It was weird to see a teen as lively as him do that sort of thing, but everyone had their own way of dealing with death.

Daniel nodded. "But we shouldn't blame each other right now. To think straight we need some kind of trust at least."

Simon sighed. "I guess you are right.
Still I need to inform you about the facts."
He took a breath, then he continued talking. "Pau, you were one of the last people to talk to him yesterday, alongside with Joe. What did you talk about?"

Pau shook slightly. "W-well, basically what happened was that, after the first shooting that day. I was rather nervous, but when I talked to him, and said bye, he sounded so strange. So distant."

Mona nodded, and closed her eyes tightly, as if to show she was think.

"He was killed at about 3 a.m.
He left the bar at 2 a.m.
Mona, his neighbour, was the first one to see the body in the morning." Simon went on. Then he took a step back, and Mona opened her Notebook.

There was a report of what she had seen written on it.

I found the body at 6 a.m.
It was still relatively dark out, and people were sleeping in.
Not even Pau went on her usual morning jog.
I saw him laying on the doormat of his house.
First I thought he was asleep, and had collapsed after drinking too much, like he sometimes does.
However I noticed something was different. His body looked stiff, and as I looked more closely I could see blood stains on his jacket, and that there was a pool of blood beneath him.
Aside from that he had purple marks on his neck, a clear sign of strangulation.
It's one of the most violent murders I have ever witnessed. Therefore I doubt that the killer was someone that was close to him. Those kinds of killers usually kill quickly, because otherwise they feel bad.
I am not sure though, the actual cause of death is still unknown.

Author's comment:
Henlo my people, here is the chapter I promised.

Oh god, so many clues in this one, so many clues.
No but seriously I love how a lot of you have theories and play detective.
However I might make short responses because of Spoilers and stuff.

I really wanna thank you all for the comments, votes and reads.
I'm sorry if I don't reply to all of your comments, but sometimes they are just so many and I don't have a lot of time.
However, I still appreciate them very much and I definitely read them.

Well ok, see you tomorrow hopefully, girlfriends, boyfriends and none binary lovers! ❤

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