What friends are for

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As Hosuh closed the door to their room and locked it, he thought about how he could start the conversation.
The conversation, was what he called the in his opinion clearly needed talk with Stephen.
Hosuh was worried about the necromancer's unusual behaviour, like he was turning back to his old ways.
The friendly healer couldn't let that happen.

He turned around, only to see Stephen laying face down on one of the three beds. The violet haired man was completely quiet.
Now Hosuh would have to start to talk, and awkwardness was guaranteed.

"Hey, uh, are you asleep?" Hosuh asked quietly, internally cringing at the stupid question.

Stephen didn't answer for a while, before muttering something Hosuh couldn't catch.

"So you're not asleep." Hosuh stated awkwardly.
"Well uh, how are you then?" He proceeded to ask.

Stephen had yet to respond, when Hosuh sat down on the bed next to him.

When the necromancer noticed this change, he pushed himself up to sit as well. Then he gave Hosuh a blank stare.
"You want something from me right? Just spit it out, I don't feel like having smalltalk."

Hosuh chuckled. "You're seriously in a terrible mood aren't you?" He asked rhetorically.

Stephen shrugged.

Hosuh sighed, seeing that his approach wasn't working.
"Listen, I'm just worried about you. If you tell me what's wrong, then maybe I can help." Hosuh offered, looking at Stephen sadly.

The violet haired male might have been in a bad mood, but he wasn't emotionless. "Ugh, I know you just want to be helpful, but you can't help everyone." He said seriously.

"I'm not helping everyone. I want to help you because you are my friend and I care about you."

Stephen laughed bitterly. "Why are you always so nice? Honestly, you're way to kind, it makes you vulnerable. Don't you remember that I tried killing you twice?"

Hosuh looked at him in confusion. "You only tried that once." He stated. "That time when you fought Daniel."

The room remained silent for a moment.

"That's not the first time we met. Don't you remember?" Stephen almost whispered.

Hosuh looked pensive for a minute, before finally understanding what the other was talking about. "You mean, in that weird dream, after the church?" He asked quietly.
"I don't remember you trying to kill me back then."

Stephen took a deep breath, as if to contemplate wether or not he should continue to speak.
Then he pointed at Hosuh's shoulder.
"You know that burn. It was meant to kill you originally."

Hosuh opened his mouth as if to say something, then he closed it again. "But, it didn't." He countered weakly.

Stephen let out a noise of frustration.
"You know, when Margaret told me to recruit you, she passed some of the magical ability she had gotten thanks to her demon friend, onto me. It allowed me to put that curse on you.
It should have killed you the day Margaret had successfully gotten the book of answers.
But that didn't happen, and she died instead. You still have that burn though."

Hosuh slowly nodded. Then he looked at Stephen with a soft smile.
"If you're waiting for me to get angry, then you should probably stop."

Stephen didn't even look surprised at that point, but he still let out a frustrated grumble. "Why are you like this?" Was the only thing he could say.

Hosuh smiled. "Life is too short to worry about the past, or get angry because of it, we can't change it anyways. And honestly the burn thing is kind of funny.
I mean, a burn that says burn? Seriously Stephen? Why so creative?" The silver haired man joked lightheartedly.

Shadows- a Danplan fanfiction जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें