Silent Home

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They stood only meters from the town that was their destination. The small piece if earth represented their hopes and longings.
Each of them had expectations.
Some of home, some of a safe place, some of fear.

It was weird standing there, Stephen felt a weird sensation of cold, as if that quiet town was waiting in silence, only for naive prey to fall for its trap.
He sighed, pushing those thoughts away stubbornly. It was a hard decision to say the least, but he couldn't possibly reveal that much. As long as he kept his head down, he was gonna be fine, no need to worry.
He intuitively reached for his wrist, but stopped his hand immediately, deciding not to fall back in bad manners and ticks, he was better than that.

The necromancer's uneasiness did not remain unnoticed by Hosuh, who gave him a slightly worried look. Stephen had something unreadable about him. Hosuh could never truly understand the thoughts behind his actions. Sometimes they were just random, chaotic almost.
Even though he believed to know the purple haired man well enough, he still always felt as if there was something troubling him. In those quiet nights, were sleep was for the week, as Stephen liked to say. In those long walks, where he'd be completely silent, like he stood at a funeral. In the very back of those mysterious lilac eyes, clouded with a rare, dark emotion that would always hide but never truly leave.

But Hosuh was too much of a gentle soul to point it out, to scared to interrupt whatever his unusual friend was thinking.

Those dark moments of awaiting, were interrupted where they should be, like dark clouds broken by a bright lightning.
That lightning being Daniel's voice.
"What are you even waiting for! Let's go!" He called out.
He could suddenly feel all their eyes on himself, some hopeful, others confused.

Anne was the first to respond, with all the power of her high voice and energetic personality. "Yes! Let's go guys!" She exclaimed, happily, throwing her arms up to underline her delight.

Hosuh chuckled at this, finding her melodramatic way of acting quite entertaining. "We probably should." He agreed softly, taking a look at Stephen, as if to ask for permission.

Stephen didn't show any kind of reaction, his face just looking slightly grumpy, like it always did.

"Alright then." Dan ended their little conversation, none of them really being able to contribute much more, with how incredibly tired they were.

Before they could actually enter town though, they were stopped by Joe's quiet and somehow shy voice.
He had only really talked to Hosuh during the whole travel, so it cought their attention quickly.
"Um, before you go, I need to give you a warning." He almost whispered, mouth feeling dry, at the horrendous thought he'd been carrying around since he met Hosuh.
"In town, don't use magic, please." That was a harmless order, a way to talk around the serious issue he felt to weak to address completely unfiltered.

He was more than surprised at the others not really looking like they cared, sure, some looked slightly less excited, but not as if it really bothered them.
But even Joe wasn't naive enough to think they didn't know what he meant.
The truth was simple, they were just used to it.

The mood had dropped a bit from then on.

They entered the town quickly, like ripping of a bandaid. The quicker, the more painless.
Maybe it hadn't been the wisest decision.

As they walked around they quickly noticed it was all awfully quiet. Lifeless.
Not a single living soul in sight.

Joe adjusted his glasses on his face nervously. None of this was a good sign.
It was almost like night time, just without the church bells playing they're usual sacred tune, just without the memories of screams and bright fires.
'Fires that I never had to see.' He thought thankfully. Even after his parent's death, when his grandparents took him in, they were respectful enough to not bring him to those gruesome executions.
His grandfather wasn't exactly happy with that, being a gambler he believed that taking a risk, and showing a child such things was absolutely necessary, but he respected his daughters will to some extent.
Even if he wasn't a loving man, Joe was still glad he had survived the tragedy years ago, as he wasn't part of the church back then. He had only become part of it after his daughter's death, because according to him, men didn't cry over a loss, real men took revenge.

"Maybe we should stop here." Hosuh suggested quietly.

"Yeah, this might not have been my best idea." Daniel agreed hesitantly.

Stephen snorted. "No shit Sherlock." He grumbled, trying to hide his own fear.

Anne wore a mildly disappointed look, but decided not to comment.

Slowly they turned around, the way out of the village now seeming incredibly long.

Stephen, who was the first to take a step toward the exit, was stopped by a familiar noise.
A noise so loud and cruel, that even without a clue about the source, it made his blood run cold.
The same noise from the strange hotel, loud repetitive banging sounds, then screams.

Author's comment:
This is it for this chapter, another beautiful cliffhanger baby.

Ok no but seriously I am so late my lord. I'm trying but I also have work to do since school starts soon.
Anyway thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy!

Here's a fanart of Jocat as a neko that I made, to calm you all down a bit, and to prepare you for the emotional rollercoaster ahead.
As you can see I'm a slight bit more experienced with original art lol.

Alright, see you next time, girlfriends boyfriends and none binary lovers!

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