They were all silent. Slowly, you could hear footsteps approaching the bathroom.

"Hello, girls. Have you seen y/n?" A new voice says. You immediatly recognize it as your ex's and stand up quietly, looking for an exit from the stall that didn't require going through the door. You couldnt find it.

"Nope. Haven't seen y/n." Juleka lies. You smile, staying quiet and doing your best to hide.

"Really. I could've sworn I saw y/n come here..." Your ex says.

"Even if we did know where y/n was, we wouldnt tell you. He/she told us about what you did." Alya said.

"What do you mean 'what I did'? I didnt do anything to y/n and never would." He/she said.

"We both know thats a lie, e/n!" You shout.

"Y/n! I knew you were here." Your ex says. Reluctantly, you walk out of the stall.

"What are you doing in Paris?" He/she asked.

"Escaping you." You say plainly.

"Why would you do that? I did nothing wrong."

"Nothing wrong?! You cheated on me! With my best friend!" You shout. The others tried to shush you. It didnt work. "You're the reason I moved! I wasnt gonna put up with your crap!"

Juleka put a hand over your mouth to shut you up.

"Y/n, you know we have to be quiet." She says.

"Fine. I'll be quiet. Lest just get to class to make the time go by faster." You say, your voice a little muffled. Juleka let's go and starts walking to class with the others. E/n tries to walk next to you and hold your hand, but you hiss at him/her like a cat and run up to walk next to the others back to class.

Once again, the school day went quickly. Juleka invited you to her house again and your ex was still trying to win your heart again.

Luka met up with you and Juleka after school. You started walking to their house while you explained to Luka who the new kid was.

"Wait wait wait. So this new kid is your ex? How did he/she find out where you were?" He asked. You shrugged.

"I'm not sure..." You say. You continue walking in silence.

You were passing André's ice cream and were about to ask for some when you see Adrien and Kagami nearby, kissing. You freeze, your eyes widening. You stop Luka and he looks at you, confused. You point to Adrien and Kagami and his eyes widen too. You look at each other and one thought goes through both of your minds.

Marinette is not going to be happy.

You quickly take a picture of them, then run off after Juleka, who didnt notice the disapproved couple(disapproved because I'm sure a lot of shippers of Marinette and Adrien are not happy.)

You reach the houseboat, then realize you were holding hands with Luka. You pull your hand away, blushing.

Luka pulls you into his room.

"Y/n, you saw what I did? Right? Kagami and Adrien kissing?" He asked. You nod silently.

"They couldn't be together." You say. "They're friends. Fencing partners. Plus Adrien is head over heels for Ladybug."

"You got a point." He looks at you. "Marinette can never find out about this. We both know shes head over heels for Adrien. So we gotta make sure she never finds out about that."

"Ok. I wont tell a soul." You say.

"Luka!" Juleka's voice calls. "We got an emergency!"

You and Luka run back on deck and followed Juleka to the park to see Marinette having an emotional breakdown.

Luka sees her and wraps his arms around her.

You close your eyes, attempting to control your emotions and jealousy.

"Y/n, lets go to my room and leave Luka to figure out whats wrong with Marinette." Juleka says. You allow her to drag you back to her house and to her room. She sits on her bed and you sit on the floor, staring at the doorway.

"You dont have to worry, y/n. Luka and Marinette arent gonna do anything like kiss. He is head over heels for you. Would do anything for you. Thats not gonna change. Marinette is not gonna change that. You dont need to worry. Just trust him." She says. You smile. You did trust Luka. You trusted him with your life. You trusted him enough to tell him your secret. He trusted you too.

You stay with Juleka below deck for a little, laughing and making jokes. Finally, Luka comes down below.

"Hey Luka. Is everything better with Marinette?" You ask. He nods, silent. Concerned, you stand up and go over to him. "Are you ok? Is something wrong?" He looks up at you, small tears forming in his eyes.

"I thought you said you loved me." He said. You put a hand on his shoulder. He pulled it away. "You were just waiting for your ex to get back, weren't you? You told him where you were so he could come."

"Luka, I do love you. Please. I didn't tell him where I was." You say.

"He said you did." Luka said. Before you could say anything more, he walked off.

"Luka! Please!" You say after him. You were about to go after him, but Juleka stopped you.

"Y/n, I wouldn't suggest it." She said.

"I dont care." You say. You shake her off and run after Luka.


*rereads chapter* No regrets. Part 2 coming soon.

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