Chapter Ten

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            And here we are. The end of the movie. Finally. As much as I enjoyed writing this, it did get tiring after a while of pausing and playing, and sometimes having to go back a few seconds. I also wanted to make so that events of Endgame haven't happened yet. As in, they haven't gone back in time yet.

Leaving Loki in the hands of S.H.I.E.L.D., we went out to get shawarma like Tony suggested.

When we walked in, we were surprised to see workers still there. I would have thought they were evacuated like the others.

After our food got to us, we all ate there silently. No words were exchanged between the seven of us as we sat there. There were a few times while we were waiting for our food that I almost fell asleep.


When we were leaving to watch Thor take Loki to Asgard the next day, I excused myself to go.

"I hate to do this," I started to say to Steve, "but I have to leave now."

"You have to leave?" he asked me. "What for?"

"I broke the magical law. I have to go into M.A.C.U.S.A.-"

"Macusa? What's that, and what law did you break?" Steve asked, turning his head to give me a disappointing look.

"It's M.A.C.U.S.A. It stands for Magical Congress of the United States of America. As for the law, I did something I wasn't supposed to."

"And that would be?"

"Wizards and witches aren't supposed to perform magic in front of no-majs."

"What are 'no-majs'?"

"People who can't perform magic."

"I see."

Steve paused and then looked at me again.

"Good luck with it. I'll tell the others for you."

"Thanks," I told him, shaking his hand.

After Steve walked away, I glanced at my surroundings. Once I made sure that no one would see me disappear, I apparated to an alleyway near M.A.C.U.S.A. Headquarters.

I left the alley, took a deep breath, squared my shoulders, and walked inside.


"It was a dire situation!" I told the panel of witches and wizards in front of me.

"What was the dire situation, Ms. Olson? For all we know, you were casting spells and jinxes at the no-majs," one of the witches, Elena Peterson asked me.

"What do mean 'what was the dire situation'?! Did you not see the Chituari army coming from the portal above Stark Tower?"

"So, you just decided to join the fighting? I don't remember clearing you to be able to openly use magic in a fight."

"Director Fury gave me the order."

"Remind me what Director Fury is in charge of again please."

"He's the head of S.H.I.E.L.D., which stands for Strategic Homeland Intelligence Enforcement and Logistics Division."

"That's right. And you work for this S.H.I.E.L.D. correct?"


There was a pause in the questioning, and I shifted nervously where I was stood.

"May I say something?" I asked the panel.

"You may," Elena Peterson said to me.

"I've left S.H.I.E.L.D. and joined the hero group now known as The Avengers."

"And what does this 'hero group' do?"

"So far, the only thing we've done is battle the Chitauri army, and Loki, in New York. But I do believe the plan is to battle similar battles, where it's an out-of-world army. Something like that."

There was a pause before one of them asked me to step out.

"Would you please take a step outside while we discuss this?"

I simply nodded and turned around and left the room.

As I sat outside, I picked up a copy of The New York Ghost. The headline mentioned The Battle of New York, so how could the panel of witches and wizards in the other room not have known what I was talking about?

I looked down at the photo they decided to print. It was the moment that made me feel like we were in a movie. The moving picture showed us all gathering together and forming the circle.

"Ms. Olson, we're ready for you," one of the witches said, opening the door and stepping out.

I put the newspaper back on the stand and walked back into the courtroom.

Elena Peterson was sitting in the middle of the other witches and wizards with her hands folded on the table in front of her.

"After care-full consideration," Elena started, "we have decided that it's alright for you to continue working with your group. Please come back next week so that we can figure out the source of your powers."

"Why? Can't we just say I'm a witch?" I asked.

"We can, but we can't tell the world that there is an entire society full of magical creatures and beings."

"Yes, but we can just tell the world that I was born with these powers, but we don't have to say that there is a whole world of witches and wizards."

There was a pause where the witches and wizards in front of me were looking at me.

"Not that's it up to me to decide what we announce to the world." I finished my sentence before I turned around and left the room.

Once I was out, I took a breath of relief. Then I left the building, went into a nearby alley, and apparated into my apartment with other witches at S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters.

Although, I have a feeling that all the Avengers might move into our own headquarters soon.

And done. It only took me a few weeks to write something completely original. But hey, writing takes time. See you in the next book in the series when I get it up.

Also, be sure to look out for my next book, Emma's Wish, a Doctor Who-Once Upon A Time crossover. If you can call it that.

The Witch Avenger- A Wizarding World/MCU crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now