Chapter 71 (Patrick)

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I'm driving towards the airport listening to this Lewis Capaldi dude that Jamie went to see on Friday night in Scotland. His songs are fucking depressing. Literally all of them are about heartbreak and there is a serious lack of percussion. This does sound like the kind of music Jamie would be into though, I can see why she'd like this guy. 

And I'm hoping she's been listening to this kinda stuff lately because of me. 

I pull up in the parking lot and get out of my car, and I'm trying to decide whether or not coffee would be a good idea right now. Her flight shouldn't get in for another half hour or so, but I'm feeling jumped up and twitchy enough as it is. I don't think coffee is a good idea right now. No, it's not. But I pull a black beanie on and head for the Starbucks in the airport anyway, I have a while to wait. 

I order a hot chocolate, honestly I don't know why, I don't like hot chocolate. I don't like herbal tea either. I pretty much live off of coffee, water, beer and Jack Daniels. I could have just bought a water I guess, but who cares? I can sit at a table and stir my hot chocolate around to avoid making eye contact with anyone. I'm so god damn jumpy, I don't wanna talk to anyone right now. Besides Jamie. 

I already checked the Arrivals board and her flight is due in on time. Around twenty minutes to go. I am so fucking nervous. I hope this goes well. Christ, we're gonna have a majorly awkward car ride back to her house if not. 

I'm stirring my hot chocolate with a stirrer stick, absentmindedly watching the milk swirl around the chocolatey liquid, when I hear someone speak to me. 

"Hey, you're in The Middle, right? You're the drummer?" 

I look up and see a punky looking guy with multiple facial piercings, probably early twenties. I have no idea who he is, but he obviously knows who I am. 

"Yeah." I answer him. 

"You guys haven't played at the Grill in a while, is everything okay?" He asks me. 

"Yeah, we have other stuff going on, that's all." I say with a forced smile. Leave me alone, man. 

"Ah, okay. Cool." He says, looking satisfied. "You guys are great, I listen to your songs on Spotify like every day." 

"Thanks, me too." I say and he laughs. 

"I'm Connor, by the way. Fourth year at NBU. My major is A&R and I'm working at Pear Tree on placement this semester." My ears prick up a little at this. That is a fucking fantastic work placement. This guy must really know what he's doing. "I'm about to fly out to Barcelona for a signing meeting with these Spanish dudes, they're cool. Kinda similar to you guys, actually. But they sing in Spanish so I don't have a fucking clue what they're talking about half the time." 

We both laugh. "That is so cool, man." I tell him, "Sounds like the dream job." 

"It is pretty awesome." He says casually, checking the time on his expensive looking watch. I bet this work placement isn't unpaid. "Anyway, I better get going. But, you guys should totally start playing at the Grill again. Soon." 

He raises his eyebrows at me, and I think I understand him. "We will be. Probably this Thursday, actually." 

"This Thursday would be good." He says, giving me a small wink before turning and walking away towards Departures. 

Holy shit. There are gonna be Pear Tree reps at the Grill on Thursday?! I need to tell the guys. They're gonna fucking freak!

But that can wait. Of course that can wait. I'm kinda in the middle of something right now. Her flights due in 5 minutes. Shit. I need to get to the Arrivals lounge. 

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