Chapter 64

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My head hurts. Not the worst hangover I've ever had in my life, far from it. But it is banging slightly. I guess this is a gin hangover. God.

"Hey, you up?" The bedroom door creaks open and Lori peaks her head through. When she sees that my eyes are open she creeps into the room and sits down at the foot of the bed. "Last night was magic, eh?"

"Seriously fucking good." I reply with a smile. "My head hurts a little this morning though, I gotta admit."

She giggles at this. "Aye, same here. Some fresh orange juice and breakfast will sort you right out."

"Yeah, yeah, just gimme a minute." I close my eyes again.

"This is your last full day here, you don't want to waste it sleeping do you?"

Shit, she's right. I'm flying home tomorrow night. I open my eyes again and throw the blankets off of me. I grab my phone then head downstairs to breakfast with Lori.

"Morning quines." Steve greets us, and I chuckle. He grew up in a small town in the North East of Scotland. His home tongue is barely understandable, but I know that 'quines' means 'girls.'

"Hey uncle Steve." I sit down next to him at the table. Today's Saturday, so I assume he's free today. "No work today?"

"Nope, I'm a free man today. I think I might escort you ladies into town if that's okay with you?"

"Of course!"

"And you still need to Facetime your brother with Jamie." Helen points out from where she's standing by the stove.

"Aye, aye." Lori rolls her eyes. "We'll do that later on."

I help myself to a glass of orange juice and check the time on my phone. And oh fuck, I have a tonne of new notifications. I have loads of 'likes' on Instagram too. Really? My penguin picture was two days ago, people are still liking that? Hmm. I scroll down and see that Jay and Joel were chatting a bit in our group chat last night too. Shit. Wait? What's this?

Fuck! Oh, god. No, no, no!

I'm filled with dread as I remember that I posted a video of Lewis Capaldi last night when we went back to Spoons for more drinks. Oh, Christ. Why did I do that?! And Jay has kindly pointed out that I got the lyrics wrong. I got the lyrics wrong on purpose though! Because I was thinking about him... Shit! He's said something in our group chat too. Oh my god. He was at Cornell? What the fuck was he doing at Cornell? I guess Amanda maybe has some friends who go there or some shit. He specifically said he wasn't hooking up. Well, obviously. I mean, he's with Amanda. Why would he hook up when he has a fucking girlfriend? I slam my phone down and return my attention to the room.

"You wanna do the dungeons tour today?" Lori asks me. "I've done it like five times before, but it's always fun. Or we could do the Castle tour? Or both?"

"Whatever you wanna do." I smile at her.

"Hey, come on. This is your trip, Jamie. You decide what we do today." Steve interjects.

"Okay, well I do wanna do the Edinburgh Dungeons tour." I admit, it looks so creepy and cool. "I don't really mind touring the Castle, but I wouldn't mind going to that Camera Obscura place? I've seen it online."

"Absolutely. That's what we'll do." Steve says with a smile.

After breakfast, the four of us get ready and then head into town. The weather today is awful, it's been raining since we got in the car. But it's cool, because the Dungeons are underground and Camera Obscura is indoors. They're both super fun! I smile and laugh a lot, and by late afternoon I realise I'm actually having an awesome time. And I haven't thought about him at all. Until now.

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