Chapter 22

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"Patrick..." I choke. I can barely speak. I cannot believe this!

He walks out of the pool house without a word. And this time, I am not giving him space. I need to follow him and explain what just happened. I leap off of the sofa to my feet and run out of the pool house after him. I can hear Shaun calling my name, but I don't give a fuck about him. I need to explain this to Patrick. I need him to know that that was not what it looked like. Shit, shit, shit!

"Patrick!" I call out to him across the yard because he's already at the other side of the pool, heading back through the patio doors into the house.   

I run past all the people loitering outside and rush into the house after him. There are kids everywhere and the music is so fucking loud. I look around desperately trying to find Patrick, but I can't see him. Fuck! My best guess is he's leaving, so I head for the front door.   

When I rush out front, all I see are some people throwing up into the bushes and a couple making out on the porch. No sign of Patrick. He wouldn't have gotten out of here that quick. He must still be inside.   

I re-enter the house and frantically begin searching for him. I need to straighten this misunderstanding out, and fast, before he does something stupid. 

I reach the main living room and stop dead in my tracks, because Amanda is practically draping herself around Patrick's neck. He doesn't look too happy about it, but he isn't stopping her either. Amanda is wearing high heeled knee high boots and a miniskirt and she's clearly drunk, and she needs to back off. I'm just wearing jeans and a hoodie and I need to talk to my best friend.  

I begin walking over to them, and now I can hear what she's saying to him.   

"I just wanna talk to you, upstairs." She slurs. 

"No, I'm not staying here." His tone is unfriendly, but she's too drunk to notice. 

"I'll come with you!" She offers enthusiastically, hugging her arms around his neck tighter. 

"Amanda, I said no, now would you.." he places his hands on her forearms, and I know he was about to pull her arms off him, but he spots me approaching them and he stops moving. He stares at me for a second, before returning his attention to Amanda. He drops his hands from her arms and places them on her hips. I'm not an idiot, he's doing this to spite me. Not cool, using the poor girl this way. But whatever, I will rise above this shit and butt in so that I can explain what really happened with Shaun out in the pool house just now. 

"Patrick, I need to talk to you." I say as I approach them, and he doesn't even look at me. He continues looking down at Amanda, who is dreamily returning his gaze and licking her lips now. Jesus Christ. This is slightly awkward, but I persist. 

"That wasn't what it looked like out there. He kissed me, I didn't want him to, I pushed him back..." 

"What are you talking about?" Amanda turns her head around to look at me curiously, breaking her eye contact with Patrick. 

I don't acknowledge Amanda, I continue looking at Patrick. But his gaze is currently fixed on Amanda's pretty, lilac hair. He's trying his best not to look at me. He's trying his best to ignore me. 

"Patrick, please?" I'm getting a little annoyed. 

Still he doesn't look at me, and Amanda is suspicious now. She gives both of us a funny look.

"What's going on, are you guys fighting?" 

I open my mouth to tell her to mind her own god damned business, but before I speak, Patrick does. 

The Middle - Volume Three ✔️Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя