Chapter 70 (Noah)

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"Everything okay?" I ask Amanda as she walks back into my room with her phone in her hand.   

"Yeah, it was Patrick." She tells me happily. "He told me he's going to the airport to tell Jamie he loves her."   

She smiles down at her phone as she throws it down on top of her pile of clothes laying on my bedroom floor. She threw on one of my shirts before taking the call. She looks hot.   

"What else did he say?" I ask as she climbs back into my bed. 

"Not much, he just asked if I think it's a good idea, and I said yeah." She informs, laying her head down on my chest and wrapping an arm around my waist.   

I know what you're thinking. How the hell did this happen? One minute they're going for sushi as unlikely friends, next thing you know they're lying in bed together with no clothes on. I can explain. It's simple, really. We went for sushi. We ran into Will and Madison. And surprisingly enough, Madison was actually cool for once. I guess when the girl I'm with isn't Jamie, it's easier for Maddie to be nice.   

So the four of us had dinner together, and we had some wine with dinner. Will ordered more wine after dinner. I don't drink wine often, and it turns out Amanda doesn't either. We only had a few glasses each, but I guess it was enough. When we left the restaurant we all walked back to the dorms together. We were walking and talking and laughing, and Will and Maddie went over to Maddie's dorm leaving Amanda and me alone together again. We got back to my dorm, I invited her up for another drink, because why not? I was having fun with her, I hadn't thought about Jamie in hours and I didn't want her to leave yet. I completely ruined her study plans tonight, but I think she's okay with it... 

We got into the dorm, I closed the door and locked it, and when I turned around she was shrugging her jacket off. But her cardigan got caught inside the jacket and came off too. I don't know why she thinks she's unfit. She has an amazing body, anyway. I was openly staring at her as she pulled her cardigan out of her jacket and laughed at how clumsy she was being. She blamed it on the wine. She noticed me staring at her. She stopped laughing, walked over to me, took a hold of both of my hands and started walking backwards towards the hallway. I genuinely wasn't sure what she was doing, but I wanted to find out, so I went along with it.   

"Which room is yours?" She asked, and instantly I figured out what was going on.   

I was caught between kicking my bedroom door open and pulling her inside, or asking her if she was sure about this. I went with the former.   

And, well, things escalated quickly... Now here we are, lying in bed together. I'm butt naked, she's wearing my shirt, and she's hugging me. I don't really know what to do now. We'd barely finished when her phone started ringing and she got up to answer it.   

"So that was unexpected, huh?" She says, looking up at me and smiling. 

"Yup." I don't know what else to say. I feel like I should apologise, but she started it... 

"I'm sorry, but you were looking at me like a snack, and, well, you are ridiculously good looking." She laughs then stops hugging me and lies back on the bed. I didn't mind her hugging me, she didn't need to stop.   

"I hope this won't get in the way of our gym plans?" She wiggles her eyebrows at me then laughs again. I am a huge fan of how casual she's being about this. I don't even need to think about my answer.   

"Absolutely not." I assure her with a smile. "I know you're in much better shape than you let on earlier now, so you can't get out of it."   

"Oh, shut up!" She says, before picking up a pillow and hitting me with it. We're both laughing. This is strange, but I like it.   

The Middle - Volume Three ✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora