[22] Breakfast at Felix's

Start from the beginning

Yet here he is, all 'Matt' about things.

And what is this talk of a last time? Do they already know each other?

"You guys have met before?" I ask, still working to contain my shock. Yeah, this is infintely more important than June's Grocery. My register can wait.

Mama gestures for us to sit first. They both get in one side while Atty and I take the other. Mama explains, "Atty met with us yesterday, to discuss certain things. He asked us to be here today too, so we could talk to you."


Atty clears his throat and exits the booth. "I'll go order, save Martha the trouble of coming here. Same as last time?" he asks. Both Dad and Mama nod so he turns around, ready to walk away.

"What about me? I thought you said I had to eat breakfast," I protest.

Atty slowly meanders back to our booth and says, "of course you do. I was going to order for you as well."

I narrow my eyes, identical to Dad's. "And how do you know what I want?"

Atty smirks. "Because you're very very predictable at breakfast."

Mama unleashes her rare snort-cackle laugh (usually reserved for Dad's lame jokes) and Dad chuckles (surprisingly). He says, "she really is. One egg, sunny side up, a clump of cream cheese, and-"

"2 slices of burnt toast," Atty finishes, holding up two fingers and shaking his head in mock disappointment.

"And," Mama chimes in, "over-sweetened room temperature coffee."

The three of them nod in agreement, as if they've just unlocked the secrets of the universe rather than dissected my unsettling eating patterns.

Atty and my parents, giggling in the middle of a neo-rustic diner... is this what taking acid feels like?

I've got to defend my honor, become my own valiant knight. "First of all, it's 'medium crispy', not burnt. And second of all, it's coffee with style, not oversweetend. And who even drinks hot coffee?!"

Atty folds his arms, ready to meet the challenge. "Literally the rest of the world."

I snort. "You're one to talk, juice-boy."

He gasps, feigning hurt over my orange juice comment. "That's different. We're talking about your lack of respect for coffee right now."

"If hot coffee is so popular, then explain iced coffee," I state.

He parts his lips and pauses, then closes them. "Nope, I'm not going down this rabbit hole. Instead, I'm going to order before my stomach starts eating itself." And with that he turns around walks away.

Damn, he didn't take the bait. I forgot how fun it is to rile him up like that.

Mama giggles and shakes her head. "Mija, go a little easy on him. He's such a little sweetie."

'Little sweetie' is probably not how I would describe that grumpy muscled giant. But he brought the two lights of my life here so maybe he's a semi-sweetie.

Wait... if he brought them here... how did he...? What did he tell them? How much do they know? Worry begins clawing up my throat, threatening to tear up my jaw and spill out. It's paralyzing.

I take a few deep breaths, trying to still myself. It takes the collective effort of my balled fists and curled toes to get through my question. "What has Atty told you? About me, I mean." If he's let them in on the Will incident, I'll really and truly loose the last bit of sanity I have left.

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