First day of school.

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(A/N: I do not own any of the Rick riordan characters, This is the first time I publish a story here so it's a bit new for me, also English is not my main language so if you see any mistakes please let me now.)

Chapter 1

Calliope POV

'Calliope! Wake up. It's the first day of your new school.' My mother shouted from downstairs, I was already awake a few minutes early so I Did not have to rush, but my mom didn't now so she still woke me up. I sat upright on my bed and stared at the door for no reason. The summer was already over, I still couldn't believe it.

While I was putting on my clothes I hoped my friend Eilidh would answer my text messages I had send to her yesterday, she still hadn't answered, I was starting to think she was ignoring me, but why. A sudden knocking on my door shook me out of my thoughts. 'Can I come in?' It was my sister Amber Lee, she's really sweet and polite, even though she is only 6. ( some children are way worse on that age.) 'yeah, sure.' I said, 'come in.' My sister was tall for her age, she had long black hair and a slightly darker skin then mine, like she had been in the sun for hours. In comparison with my sister my skin looks pretty pale, and her hair is black, mine is blond. We don't really look alike because my mother married my new dad 7 years ago, I didn't ask for a little sister but I was glad I had her.
Neither do I  know who my real father is.

Amber sat on my bed and started kicking her feet back and forth, 'Why are you up so early, and why do I have to be up so early?' She asked me, I told her about that I had to go to school earlier than her and that if she wanted to be in time for her own school schedule had de be out of bed. 'Calliope, Amber! Breakfast!' 'Come, there is breakfast.' I said and my sister and I raced to the stairs.

( time skip: arriving at school)

The school I was going to was not very special, just a normal school with way to many students. The school had in total 3 buildings, so now I was sure I was going to be lost very soon. Most of the students were my age and I was sure I even saw a few who were 2 years older than me.

I went to a long wall where most of the students were gathered, looking for their names on a list so they now witch class their in. After a few minutes of searching I found the right class and a headed for the right building, building 2. When I arrived their I saw Eilidh and  I went to her, and wen I wanted to call out for her , she saw me. ' Hey Calliope, I'm so so sorry That I didn't  respond.' She said either a sad face,'I forgive you, but why didn't you respond?' I asked while I hugged her.'My parents have my phone for a week.' She wailed lowering her head.'Im so glad that where in the same class!' I almost screamed while I said it.

We had a lot to talk about and when Eilidh was in the middle of a story the bell ring, and we headed inside.

We all went to our class and in the hallways we almost got lost because it was so crowded. Eilidh and I made it to the right class safely and were instantly greeted by our teacher. The teachers was about 30 and had long brown hair and was pretty, her voice was so smooth I was almost jealous. In total we were with 18. 'Okay class, I am going to say your name, if you hear your name say "here". Okay?' Our teacher said. She started reading our names.' Lacy cooper?''here.' 'Karen Christopher?' 'Here.' ' Calliope Lee?' 'He-' I was cut short when someone knocked on the door, 'yes, come in.' The door opened and a boy and girl walked in and went to sit like they weren't late at all (respect). 'Where sorry teach.'said the boy.'traffic' continued the girl. The teacher looked at both of them and then said.'names?' The girl answered first,'Piper McLean.' Than the boy answered,'Jason Grace.' The teacher nodded and repeated my name,'here.' I looked again at the two newcomers, Jason had blonde hair, bleu eyes and a little scar on his upper lip,(how it got there I had no idea.) the girl, Piper had long brown hair withe a feather in it and her skin tone was a bit darker than Jason's,(almost like my sister skin tone.) They looked out the window withe worry on their faces, I wonder why they where really to late, something tells me it was not traffic.

So, this was the first chapter. (Remember I do not own any of the characters from rick riordan!!)

If you liked it don't forget to vote and commend, more will follow, I will try to post a new chapter every week.

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