I found out what Marek told Feria to get me for Christmas. Anything she thought would look great on me. Which meant I had seven new pairs of shoes. Ten new outfits. I even laughed when she got me another suitcase for all the presents they were giving me.

Thanks to Marek and our shopping trip, I had a present for everyone. They weren't anything extravagant, but thoughtful. We even got Helena and Joe presents. And we weren't the only ones. Marek's parents and Feria got them gifts too.

After the presents were unwrapped, the kids ran out of the room to play with their presents. I got up and started the pick up the wrapping paper. Marek laughed as he grabbed my waist and pulled me onto his lap. "What do you think you're doing?"

I giggled. "Helping to clean up."

He shook his head at me. "That's why we had help."

I pouted. "I could just make it all neat."

"No you don't." He tapped my nose lightly. "You are not going to do anything but enjoy your presents." He wiggled his eyebrows. "You could give me a fashion show of you in your new outfits."

I laughed. "I don't know." I blushed. "You know how shy I am."

He leaned forward and whispered in my ear. "Or we could take our gifts upstairs then make out for a little." I giggled and blushed brightly.

He helped me up and we actually had to come back down for a second trip. Marek would take more than me. He even turned me away saying that he had the rest.

In my guest room, Marek piled my gifts in the closet. He did it neatly. I tried to help, but he'd lift me up and toss me gently onto the bed making me laugh. He'd tell me that he was almost done.

When he was finally finished, he pulled me up and I looped my arms around his neck. He smiled resting his hands on my waist. He smirked as he leaned down and brushed his lips on mine.

I giggled and blushed. He walked us over to the couch. We sat down and started kissing. First it was gentle and just our lips together. Then he nudged me and lightly bit my lip. I giggled at him before letting me in.

We didn't get to kiss like that for long. His cousins burst in. They came over and pulled us apart. We were laughing. Especially when they were telling Marek I had koodies.


Marek held me as we danced. It was New Year's Eve. Time has flown by. The snow had come and there was snowball fights. Marek even took me ice skating more and I was feeling even more confident in my skating.

His family went with us. They were all great skaters. Everyone had their own skates too. I loved seeing his parents and aunt and uncle skating together. To see that much love for their spouse. I hoped to have that myself.

I looked up and smiled at Marek as I looped my arms around his neck against. "Tell all this hasn't been a dream."

He smiled down at me as he gave me a sweet kiss. "No dream here Hope. Just life at it's finest. Something you should have had a while ago."

We swayed in time with the music just smiling at each other. The music was soft and sweet. Something slow and romantic. Others were here and dancing too.

The Knightlys had changed their house a bit. They were hosting a New Year's Eve partly. The large, open informal family room was redone to be a dance room. The floor was uncovered and it's glorious hardwood floor.

I glanced over at Feria and Daren. They look so cute together. Though he is buff, she's tall. He held her with a gentleness that said he really liked her. That he didn't ever want to let her go. Just like the way Marek was holding me.

Soon we heard cheering. Marek beamed as he took me over to the floor to ceiling windows. Feria was giggling beside us as Daren held her from behind. Marek looped his arms around me and rested his chin on my shoulder.

We started counting with everyone in the house. Others came to stand around us as they were waiting for midnight. The house was full of people counting down. I was smiling as I counted.

"Ten... Nine... Eight... Seven... Six... Five... Four... Three... Two... ONE... Happy New Year!!!" The house rang out as everyone shouted. The music shifted to the one song that has been forever connected to New Year's.

As everyone cheered in the new year, Marek turned my chin and kissed me. I know it's supposed to be good luck to kiss someone when the new year started. I hoped that this year would be a very good one.

We were tapped on the shoulder and Daren winked at us when giving us a glass each. "Cheers!" He said as he took the glass Feria had.

I took a sip and coughed a little. He had handed us actual champaign. I looked to Marek and he smirked. "Don't worry. They only gave us a taste."

I wrinkled my nose at the bubbles. "This makes my nose feel weird."

Marek chuckled. "I know. This is our tradition. Anyone over fifteen gets to have a nip of champaign on New Year's."

I tried a little more. I giggled as the bubbles tickled my nose again. Thankfully that was the rest of the champaign. The glass they had given us were tiny versions of champaign flutes. Just enough to have a taste.

Marek took my empty glass and put it down next to his on the table near by. "You look so beautiful tonight." He said looping his arms around me.

I blushed looking down at my dress. It was one of the dressed Feria and given me for Christmas. A chiffon dress that stopped a few inches above my knees. The dress was a deep blood red color and beads sparkling all over the dress. The neckline draped done showing just the smallest amount of cleavage. The dress flowed around me as Marek and I danced.

I paired the dress with some strappy heels. Feria had given me these shoes too. They were definitely chosen to go together. The laces of the shoes laced up my calves.

The bracelet Marek gave me hung from my wrist. He had also gotten me a pendant necklace to go with it. The pendant had a ruby in the center with diamonds around it. The necklace draped to rest just below my collarbone.

I smiled at Marek. He was wearing an outfit that matched mine. His shirt was a satin blood red button down. His pants were a pair of black slacks. He was also wearing a semi-shimmer black vest with blood red buttons.

He lovingly touched a few of my curls. My hair was all curls tonight. Part of it was pulled up and jeweled hair clips held them up. Feria and her mom had helped me get ready. The hair clips were his mom's. She let me burrow them for tonight.

"This has been so wonderful. Thank you for bringing me here."

Marek smiled as looked into my eyes. "Thank you for coming with me."

We didn't stay up past one in the morning. All we did was dance a little more before the hour caught up with us. We kissed at my door as a goodnight kiss.

Inside my room, I took the hair clips off and set them down on the vanity. I placed the rest of my jewelry next to the clips. The bracelet was the last to come off. I smiled at it knowing what it represented. I had a boyfriend. Marek was my boyfriend. How better to ring in the new year than with a boyfriend.

Starr Academy: Year OneWhere stories live. Discover now