Part 17

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We didn’t have to wait long for the final round of the battle. Now all the remaining students were on the field. They were even more geared up than before.

Professor Sharridge stood in the middle. “This is the final round and is done as a tournament. Each student is paired up with another whom they must fight. They fight till one is left standing. They will have the whole field in which to battle. This will continue till there is only one student left. That student will be our first champion of the school year.”

All but two people misted away. They must be the first two opponents of this round. Both were guys. They turned to see who their opponent was and bowed their heads in acknowledgment.

“Now let the tournament stage begin!” The match started and the two guys went at each other. Fire and water were the two elements battling it out. It was an all out battle. Anything they had been holding back was brought out.

The final hit was from the fire guy. He had created a chain of fire and bound the water guy. That had ended the match and the fire guy was declared the winner. The water guy was very much disappointed that he lost, but he was a good loser. Even shook the winner’s hand after he was unbound.

One by one the next three matches fly by. Another fire wielder won. And two air wielders won. Each matched seemed amazing and each freshmen were in awe. To know that they would learn to all this was incredible.

The fifth match was about to start and Marek was in this one. He stood proudly as he readied for this match. His gear on full and proper with a gleam of browns and forest greens. I felt proud of him even if he doesn’t win. Though I was praying he would win.

He was up against an air type. She had long blonde hair that was braided. She had medal going down her braid too. The medal seemed to gleam blue. A pale beautiful blue. The other armor gleamed with the same sheen.

The match was called, and I was on the edge of my seat. Every dodge Marek made, she made. Every near miss, I was relieved he didn’t get hurt. The guys next to me had a time holding me to my seat.

Marek dodged behind a tree and used it’s roots as a wipe. He sliced through the cone of wind that she had surrounding her. The root curled back before it lashed out again. She was quick to deflect it.

Marek sent more roots at her. She worked hard to keep them away. She wasn’t going to like Marek win. She was making a powerful stand. Holding her ground.

She never saw the one thing she should have predicted. By standing in one place too long with an earth wielder, she left herself vulnerable. She should have paid more attention to the below her. Soon the ground began to rumble and shift. Roots came up from the ground and bound around her. She fell with a thud unable to move.

The match was over. Marek was the victor. I was jumping up and down cheering him. He looked up at me and I knew he was going to win for me. To show me that he was strong. To show me I could be strong too.

The rest of the first set of matches seemed to fly by. I had lost track of who were the other successes. All I cared about was seeing Marek kick some butt.

The next set started and the first two matches flew by. One had an air wielder win. The other had a fire wielder win. It was neat to see more moves from all the contestants. To know that I would be able to do that soon. By the end of three years, I’ll be able to really fight. Maybe by the end of the year if I work hard.

The third match made me smile. Marek was out on the grass up against a water wielder. This time his opponent was a guy. The guy looked like a surfer with wavy hair that was dark underneath and pale blonde on top. His gear was shimmering like the waters in every picture I’ve seen of Hawaii’s glorious ocean.

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