Lobelia Girls' Academy Strikes Back!

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3rd Reader's Pov.

At the Fujioka household, the Host Club boys had gathered before the entrance door and pressed the doorbell. "Haruhi-chan, please come out and play!"

The door was opened and a grumpy, still tired man glared at them.

"Sorry we have the wrong apartment.", Tamaki apologized and walked away with the others following him.

"Hey, hey, wait a second!", Ranka ran after them and pushed them back towards the apartment. "Don't act so traumatized cause you've seen me without my make up on. Even trannies get stubble first thing in the morning, which is more than I can say for any of you."

He sat down in front of the entrance as the Host Club stood before him.

Tamaki laughed. "You're so funny. Ha, ha, ha." He calmed himself. "My dear Ranka, I hope this day finds you in excellent health."

Ranka saw the box of expensive sweets that Tamaki handed to him and jumped up, giving the blonde boy an uppercut, grabbing the box in success.

Meanwhile Tamaki landed on the ground and Ranka had his foot on his head. "Ranka, please...", he tried to get back up. "That's my head..."

"Oh, silly me! I forgot my manners.", Ranka giggled. "Please forgive my appearance. It's so wonderful to see all of you."

"Is Haru-chan here?", wondered Honey.

In that moment, out of the living room, came out the brunette girl. "What's all the ruckus about?", Then she noticed the boys. "Oh, it's you guys."

"Haru-chan, we came to pick you up.", Honey smiled at her and she looked confused. "Pick me up?"

"We want to spend time with you, silly.", said Hikaru and Kaoru added. "(y/n) wasn't home, so we still need a play toy."

Haruhi gave them a deadpanned expression. "(y/n) and I wanted to have a girl's day out today, but some other girls picked her up. So I have time. Still, I don't like being called a play toy."

"So, that's why (y/n)-chan wasn't home.", noted Honey.

"This is why I was against a surprise visit. At least we didn't come here for nothing", said Kyoya.

"Well, I guess (y/n) is entitled to spend time with her old friends from America once in a while.", commented Tamaki as he was free again with Raka taking a bite from a cake.

"I can't believe she has friends.", spoke Hikaru and Kaoru.

"Actually, they were Japanese and somehow they were familiar to me.", Haruhi said as she was in thoughts.

"As far as I remember those girls were students from Lobelia Academy.", Ranka pointed out.

"Did you say...", Tamaki's eyes widened.

"Lo-", Hiakru started.

"Be-", Kaoru continued.

"Li-", Tamaki added.

"Aah!", All free ended being utterly shocked.

At St. Lobelia Academy...

The three Zuka Club members walked along a hallway with other girls crying for them, wanting their attention. One stepped before Benibara.

"I, I took it upon myself to prepare lunch for you today, lady Benibara.", she handed her a basket. "It's your favorite, little octopus-shaped cocktail wienies."

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