Attack of the Lady Manager!

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(y/n)'s POV

It was another day at the host club. Today we all wore kimonos designed by the mother of the twins. I was talking with my costumers, when Honey came to me, tears in his eyes.

"(y/n)-chan, (y/n)-chan, I don't know how, but I lost one of my sandals.", I kneeled in front of him and gave him a tissue.

"Don't worry, I will help you look for it."

"How cute! (y/n) can be so nice.", the girls said.

"Mitsukuni.", we heard the deep voice of Mori. He came to us, putting Honeys lost sandal on the blonde boy's foot.


"I noticed that you dropped it."

Honey hugged the tall male with more tears in his eyes.

"How sweet!" "Isn't it, though?", the girls commented about the scene between Honey and Mori.

"Looks like tears are popular with the ladies today. But how are they all able to cry so easily?", Fujioka asked me, who stepped to my side, watching the scene too.

I sighed and pulled on Kaoru's sleeve and the bottle with eye drops fell down. Fujioka took it from the ground tobexamine it. "What's this?"

"For your information, it's common for a host to use eye drops.", explained Kaoru and Hikaru added. "No woman alive can resist a man on the brink of tears."

"That's cheating.", said Fujioka and I snickered. "She has a point."

"Oh, don't be such party-poopers.", was Hikaru's reply.

"Why aren't you crying, when it's todays theme?", asked Fujioka me.

"It's easy, because I'm the bad girl type. But I'm not the only one. Kyoya and Mori-senpai don't cry either. Seeing that it would be out of character. On the other head, while the cool type and the strong silent type just don't cry, the bad type brings others to tear up.", I pointed to my former costumers, who are still crying from my story.

"Oh my, it's so sad." "(y/n) is so strong." "I wish we could help her."

Fujioka sweat dropped. "What's that all about?"

I put my finger on my lips. "That's a secret.", and laughed at her expression.

"You shouldn't bring others to tears (y/n)-chan!", Tamaki appeared next to me, pointing at me with a serious expression. "Even though you are the bad girl type, wouldn't it be even more emotional if the strong, bad girl type would cry?!"

"Maybe, but I just don't cry.", I answered him and that made him speechless.

"But everyone needs to cry once in a while.", said Fujioka to me and I shrugged my shoulders. "Not me. I stopped a long time ago."

Fujioka thought about my words when Kaoru went to her. "Here, Haruhi. This is for you." He gave her a sweet and she looked at it confused.

"It's for me?"

"Aren't you the cutest?", the twins commented and a girl spoke to Fujioka. "I didn't know you liked sweets, Haruhi."

"Well, to be honest with you, I don't really. But you know, I think it would be a nice memorial offering for my mother."

This brought Tamaki back and he gave Fujioka even more sweets with tears in his eyes. "How admirable of you! Such devotion to your mother's memory. Please, Haruhi, take as many of these as you like."

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