The Refreshing Battle in Karuizawa!

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A/N: Hey guys,

I just wanted to apologize since I didn't update regularly for some time now. I hope I'll get back on track soon and until then I just want to let you know I'm sorry for it.

Also, I want to thank everyone who is liking and commenting on my story. I really appreciate it. It shows me that people like my writing, even with my irregular updating and it makes me happy.

With that, bye, bye ^^ 


3rd Reader Pov.

In a giant bedroom inside a grand manor a ringtone echoed from the walls. Underneath the blanket on the bed something moved and a voice was heard.

"Hikaru. Your phone.", Kaoru spoke to his twin tiredly. "Hikaru."

"Answer it for me, will you?", Hikaru said back, as tired as his brother.

"No way. Don't you recognize that ringtone?", declined Kaoru.

"You've gotta be kidding me.", Hikaru reached for his phone. "We're only three days into summer vacation. Why can't he let us sleep in?"

"He's probably been up since dawn.", commanded Kaoru.

Hikaru sat up and so did Kaoru. "Yeah, what?", Hikaru finally picked up the phone.

"She's gone!", Tamaki's voice hurt their ears as he yelled into the phone. Hikaru held the phone wider away as Tamaki continued yelling.

"My beloved daughter has vanished off the face of the earth! She must've been kidnapped by a band of gypsies! I just know it! Contact the police! We have to request an emergency deployment of the SDF."

"Wait, slow down. You're not making any sense.", Hikaru said into the phone after Tamaki finally finished. "Now, what?"

Tamaki's next words let Hikaru's eyes widen and he gasped. "What do you mean Haruhi 's gone?!"

"Huh? So, Haru-chan is really missing?", Honey was also on the phone, just like anyone else in the Host Club with the exception of the girls.

"And her family is bankrupt?", Mori repeated what Tamaki had told them.

"It's the only explanation!", Tamaki spoke up again. "I've been trying to get through to her home phone and her father's work phone for the past several days and no one will answer! They've been evicted and forced into indentured servitude! We have to rescue them!"

"Oh! Haru-chan!", Honey whined for the girl.

"Boss please, not so loud. Have you tried calling her cell phone yet?", asked Hikaru him.

"Cell phone?", Tamaki repeated before he shouted. "Why on Earth would she have a cell phone?!"

Tamaki calmed down as he got a thought. "Of course. She was issued one by a secret underground network of commoners known as the plebeian exchange."

"Not to interrupt your delusion, but Haruhi is currently in Karuizawa.", Kyoya finally spoke up, telling them where Haruhi was.

That left Tamaki stunned. "Haruhi was turned out of her home, kidnapped by gypsies, and forced into servitude in Karuizawa?"

"Moron.", Kyoya called him as he was annoyed by his stupidity.


After the call ended Hikaru looked bumped on his phone. "At first (y/n)'s gone back to America and left us for the break and now Haruhi is gone too?"

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