Visiting (y/n) (l/n)!

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A/N: Hey guys,

We all know what's coming soon. Christmas! And we have holidays, but sadly we won't be able to update in the holidays regularly or at all. Since both of us will spend the short time with our families and friends, visiting one another. (I speak of 'us' because I include Sim, who is correcting the chapters.)

We will definitely update after the holidays again, but not every week, because the time before the exams is starting then, and this means studying, studying and more studying.

We hope you understand and hopefully after that we can update the chapters more regularly again. Hope you have fun with the last chapter before Christmas and with that...

Merry Christmas! ^^


3rd Reader Pov

After the twins' pretended fight, everything went back to normal. Now it was Friday and they only had school 'til noon. So the twins decided to finally visit (y/n)'s home.

They waited for her at the school gate, when the Host Club with the exception of the American girl showed up.

"Hey what are you doing here? You two should have been at the club meeting.", Tamaki said to them.

"But boss, you didn't say to us that there was a club meeting.", Hikaru said back.

"Besides that, were is (Y/n)?", Kaoru asked them.

"I don't know, she didn't show up for the meeting either. How could she let us hanging?", Tamaki though out loud.

"She surely has a reason.", Fujioka reasoned.

"Maybe she already went home.", Honey suggested.

"No, we would have seen her.", said the twins.

"Why are you waiting for her anyway?", Tamaki asked them now, interested.

"We wanted to finally visit her." "I mean we tricked her to allow us to with the fight we had."

"Ah, yeah, the fight, I almost forgot about that... I decided we all will visit (y/n) today.", Tamaki announced and everyone looked at him annoyed for different reasons.

"You know I wanted to study today. Not to mention that (y/n) senpai won't be so fond of the idea.", Fujioka said.

"She is right. Do you really want to feel (y/n)'s anger after she finds out about your plan to visit her?", Tamaki and the twins shuddered at Kyoya's words.

"But if we ask nice, she may let us and even though they tricked her, she somehow allowed the twins, so she can't decline and it shouldn't matter if we join too.", Honey put in and Mori agreed with a hum

"Then it's settled. We visit (y/n) today.", Tamaki exclaimed pointing a finger in the air.


(y/n)'s Pov.

I was on my way back home, after I visited Nekozawa and the Black Magic Club. I rolled my eyes, seeing the Host Club at the school's gate, talking about visiting me.

I could make a little detour to avoid them. But they are the Host Club and persistent. They will surely annoy me until I allow them. I sighed as I gave up and went to them.

"Oh, there's (y/n)-chan", Honey waved at me, when he noticed me.

"Ah (y/n), I had a brilliant idea..."

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