The Sun, the Sea, and the Host Club!

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3rd Reader Pov

"The beach?", Haruhi was sitting at a table, studying. (y/n) was by her side, helping her a little. They just stared at the twins as they approached them.

"Of course, the beach.", they said back in synch.

"But why?", Haruhi questioned further.

"Don't you remember what you said?", Hikaru tried to make her remember and Kaoru gave her the answer. "You said you'd like to go to a real beach."

"Did I say that?", wondered Haruhi.

"Oh, yes I remember.", (y/n) spoke up now.

"Yes", the twins said and went aside so the girls could see the swimsuits they brought with them. "Here's the fun part."

"We brought some swimsuits for you two to choose from.", Kaoru said.

"Pretty cute, don't you think?", commented Hikaru.

"I think that this swimsuit would look cute on (y/n)-chan.", Honey appeared, showing a blue one piece.

"I don't think you get it, Honey senpai.", the twins disagreed with him.

"Just look. (y/n) always wears one-pieces. Don't you think she should try on something new?", Hikaru began to explain and Kaoru continued. "Not only that, but its blue and colourful. You know (y/n) likes black and dark colours more."

"That's why we carefully selected this two piece suit, see?", the both of them showed the others a black bikini. (y/n) had an angered tick mark. "It will draw attention to (y/n)'s feminine physique and it's in her colour."

"You punks better quit sexually harassing (y/n). I've had enough of you!", Tamaki yelled angrily at the twins with a baseball bat in hand. The twins jumped behind the desk of the girls, hiding there.

"That means we're not going to the beach?", they asked him disappointed.

"Who said that we're not going?", Tamaki said back and the twins smiled from the table. "Really? So you wanna go after all?"

Honey also smiled happily. "Can Usa-chan come, too?"

"I have no problem with that.", Kyoya said while writing something down.

"Mhm.", Mori agreed while examining a bikini with seashells.

"Huh? We're really gonna go?", Haruhi questioned and it looks like she wasn't too fond of it.

"Why not?", Tamaki said. "Let's go to the beach."

"I think it will be exciting.", (y/n) agreed with him.

... At the beach

"So, why'd we come to Okinawa?", the twins questioned.

"Because Kyoya's family has a private beach here.", Tamaki answered.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?", commented Honey.

"Yeah.", Mori agreed and (y/n) did too. "It is."

"But why couldn't we have gone...", the twins began.

" the Caribbean?", wondered Hikaru.

"Or even Fiji?", Kaoru questioned.

"Do you think a commoner like Haruhi has a passport?", Kyoya put in.

Ourans Female Host - Various x Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن