Big Brother is a Prince!

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A/N: Hey guys,

I'm really, really sorry for not updating in so long. I had a really bad Writers Block. It's so frustrating for me, because now I'm so far behind with my schedule.

But no more whining now. I apologize and I will hopefully be able to update again soon.


(y/n)'s Pov

We all just got into our police costumes as the doors of Music Room Number Three opened. "Welcome.", we went into our poses to greet the new guest, only to be surprised to see a little, blonde girl.

"Oh my, what an unusually young guest!", Tamaki stretched his arm out for her. "Well, glad you're here... my little lost kitty cat."

The girl looked up to him with an awestricken face as Tamaki leaned down to her. "Little Kitty Cat, why have you come to see us today?"

Suddenly she pointed up to him and spoke with a serious face. "It's a reverse harem!"

That left us all shocked and we turned pale, as she spoke the same words again. "This is a reverse harem!"

"That can't be right.",
Tamaki hit his head as he wanted to clear his ears. "I must have heard wrong. Maybe there's still some water in my ear from when I went swimming."

Hikaru chuckled awkwardly and cleaned his ears too. "Water in the ear, that's gotta be it."

Kaoru did the same as his brother. "I'm sure we just heard her wrong. There's no way this cute little girl said the words 'reverse harem'. Something's going on with our ears."

"There is debauchery here."

And we all got that shocked pale look again by her words, but she just began to cheer. "Yay! There's debauchery here, isn't there?"

The blonde girl pointed to Kyoya. "You're the glasses character."

Then she turned to Honey and Mori. "You are the boy lolita and the stoic type."

Now she spoke to the Twins. "Twincest."

After them she pointed to Haruhi. "The bookworm."

It was now my turn. "And the heroine." I raised my eyebrow at this.

At last she looked at Tamaki, who tensed up in fear of what he will be called. The girls eyes widened and she gasped.

"Big brother?", tears welled up in her eyes and then suddenly she jumped into his arms. "My brother's blond! You must be him!"

"You never told us about this!" "Since when do you have a little sister?" Hikaru and Kaoru were shocked, but we all were rather confused by the scene.

"I don't! I'm definitely an only child... at least as far as I know.", Tamaki said back, sweating.

"The more I look at you, the two of you do look a lot alike.", commanded Honey. "You are both blond after all."

"You can't identify siblings only by their hair colour.", I put in.

"I want to know if glasses character is superior to big brother.", Kyoya thought aloud.

"I can't believe she called me bookworm.", sulked Haruhi.

"As if this is important.", I said back. "Not to mention she called me the heroine, which I think is the worst." They both looked at me deadpanned.

"Excuse me, you want to tell me your name, little one?", Tamaki asked the girl now.

"Kirimi!", she answered.

Tamaki sat her down at the ground and kneeled in front of her. "Kirimi-chan, I'm afraid you've made a mistake. I'm really sorry, but I don't have a younger sister."

Tears welled up in the girls eyes again. "Are you sure?! You're blonde just like me!"

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