Chapter Nine

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I looked at her. She's in a hospital bed looking innocent looking pale and she looks exhausted.

I remember when I saw her in the floor. My heart's beating became rapid

Standing their I didn't know what to do. Shock then I forgot how to move.

I was not in myself.
I can tell.


"NAYEON!" I shouted as I saw her lying in the floor and bathing her own blood.

I panicked and by that I didn't know what to do. I was just standing and looking at her when a butterfly appeared and sat on my head.

I immediately called my chopper with my shaking hands.

"Mr. Jeon." his voice was in shock. He's my assistant in my airline company.

"Darious... U-umm Bachelor's Village House number 19 M-my...." 

I paused and took a deep breath. 

"My wife.... She's lying on the floor with her own blood. Please, make it fast." I said it in firm.

My heart beated faster than normal. Its beating so fast so rapid

Why Am I acting like this?


My heart is still in shock trying to process everything. She was hurting because of me. She's in too much pain because of me. I can't handle if she will die just like that.

I wish I could tell her everything. If only it was just a simple problem. I wish I could comfort her during the times when she cried because of me. I wish I could sleep beside her every night and will have Sunday bondings with her.

I failed. The vows and the promises I've said. I wish she never met me. I wish all of these are just nightmares.

But it's not...

*ring  *ring
I opened my phone..

My girlfriend....she's calling me. 

I'm sorry wife for doing this but... I have no other choice. I wish I could tell you the truth.


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