Chapter Four

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9 Days left.

I went to his company to give him his lunch. He forgot this at home early this morning so I decided to go here.

As expected employees here are happy to see me. The last time I was here was when me and him were still happy together.

I went inside his office seeing him so busy got me sad. I hope he will still eat this lunch. He's so busy these days. His eyes look so tired.

"Love, got you lunch today. You forgot this at home." I looked at his face. I've always admire his looks. It makes me feel sad that Im going to see his beautiful face only nine days left. Counting down and down.

I did regret loving you. Once, when I was in blue. I told myself to let you go but I can't. My love to you that time was much stronger than anger.

"Put it here and go...."

I nodded "Okay, love you. Don't stress yourself too much, okay? Eat at the exact time. Don't stress yourself too much. Don't get sick." As time goes I've come to realise that I'm too selfless. My love for myself got lost in the way. She got lost while walking down at your messy road.


I smiled. At least he replied yet It hurts me a little. You cant even say thank you.

Where did I got wrong? Am I ugly? Not sweet? Not smart? Is my cooking bad? All of these insecurities got me when you left me, crying. That night, I doubted myself. Because of you.

I'm so stupid about this one sided love. Even though you've been hurting me, still my love for you didn't change. I swear, this will be the last time that I will pull myself down. I only have nine days left. I will not allow myself to be in the dark anymore.

This will be the last time.


ang bobo mo nayeon. :)

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