Chapter 63 (Patrick)

Start from the beginning

"I can see that." She replies, and we both get in. "I was actually wondering, are you in a rush to get back to North Bridge?"

Not. At. All.

"Nope. What did you have in mind?"

"Well, you remember that guy I told you about? Charlie? I have a huge crush on him?"

I do remember. "Yeah, he's British? You said he has a charming accent or some shit?"

She blushes a little and tucks a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Yeah. He's chairman of the Freshman Chess Club actually, and they're having a Social tonight. Do you wanna stop by before we leave? We wouldn't have to stay long, it's just...he sort of invited me."

I smile at her. "Of course I wanna spend my time with a bunch of chess dorks drinking sparkling water at a college party, let's do it. Where do I go?"

She rolls her eyes at me and laughs before directing me to the party. When we arrive, I have to bite down on my lip ring to stifle a laugh, because I was completely right. They are chess dorks. And I doubt one person at this party is drinking alcohol. It's still early though, to be fair.

"Okay, just try to blend in." Lindsay whispers while her eyes frantically scour the room in search of Charlie.

Blend is? Is she fucking kidding me? These dudes are all wearing sweater vests and chinos. They all have trim, sensible hair cuts. I can see absolutely no ink or metal on anyone. I cannot blend in at this party. Well, I'm not consuming alcohol, so that's one thing. But my hair's a mess, the stubble on my neck and chin is longer than it usually is, and I didn't bother putting on a hoodie or a fucking coat before I left to pick up Lindsay, so most of my tattoos are on full display. Fantastic. I'm getting more than a few curious looks from these kids, but it doesn't bother me. Like I said, it's all a good distraction.

"Oh, hey Siobhan!" Lindsay starts waving at some conservative looking girl with shoulder length black hair and a very intimidating gaze. I'm happy to note that Siobhan is holding a wine glass though. Wine. How adventurous. She'll be off her ass in no time.

"Hello, Lindsay. Who's your mate?" Siobhan asks as she approaches us, and I visibly startle at the sound of her accent. Her lips turn up into the slightest of smiles as she sees my reaction to her.

"Another American. I'm surrounded by bloody Americans." She says, or at least I think that's what she said. Her accent is mad. Lindsay laughs anyway.

"Well that will happen when you come to America for uni!" Lindsay says with a warm smile.

"Charlie's playing in the back, he'll be done soon. I'm sure he'll be right over when he spots you." Siobhan says before throwing me a raised eyebrow and wandering off back into the party.

"What the hell?" I say to Lindsay. "Was that British?"

"Yeah, she's from Liverpool, same as Charlie." Lindsay informs me. Oh Christ, that's how this Charlie guy talks? How the fuck can Lindsay listen to more than five minutes of that?

"So that's Scouse." I comment, and Lindsay nods her head at me enthusiastically.

"It's beautiful, right?" She says, before walking towards a drinks table. I follow her, shaking my head in disbelief. If she thinks that accent sounds beautiful, well. She must really have it bad for this Charlie dude.

"So, what's it gonna be? Soda? Coffee? Herbal tea?" I say to Lindsay sarcastically as we peruse the drinks table.

"Shut up. So these guys aren't into partying. It's not a bad thing."

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