4- Kiss of surprise

Start from the beginning

"But that's tomorrow!" she said, surprised.

"It is, isn't it?" he smiled, and leaned into her ear, millimeters away. "You better get cracking." he says, sending a chill up her spine.

As he was walking out of the room, she picked up the file laying in front of her, and threw it his way, yelling, "Asshole!" Papers flew everywhere as they hit his back, causing him to stop, and smile.

He turned around, looked down at the ground, and chuckled "Now you have a mess to clean up, have fun!" A smile crept up his face as he shut the door, and had to laugh, knowing he got under her skin, and that there was no way she would be able to get them all done by tomorrow night.

Throughout the day, Victoria ignored Tiara. Not that she wanted to, but so she could get as much done as she could. She knew he was thinking she couldn't do it, and neither did she for that matter, but she was also determined to prove him wrong. All the files that were incorrectly worded, and knowing the claim would be denied if she pushed it through, she set to the side. It was nearing six at night, and Tiara was getting ready to leave, she walked over to her and leaned against her desk with a stack of folders in her arm, and looked down at her "Staying late, are we?"

"Yes, I need Doctor Jekyll to get off my ass... he's a nuisance."

"Bring them home with you, that's what I'm doing. I can't sit in this room any longer, it's giving me a headache."

"If I do that, then I'll be home with Brayden... it's the last place where I want to be, and with him. He thinks I was joking about breaking up with him, and thinks we're still together."

She laughed, knowing she made a mistake, and wanted to rub it in. "You know, that's your fault, you should have done what I told you to do... but no, you're being too nice by letting him stay..."

"I know, it's just after six years, how do you just kick someone out on the streets? It would have been different, had I walked in on him cheating." she sighed.

Tiara couldn't believe her ears, and laughed, mocking her way of thinking. "Girl, are you that naïve? How do you walk in on naked women laying on the ground next to him, and believe that he didn't do anything with them? Just because he was dressed, doesn't mean shit. He knew he was busted, and is playing his little game with you, just like he had been for months, and years. Wake up girlfriend... I know you're not that dumb."

Victoria looked away from her, and took a deep breath, remembering what she walked into that night. "I know, but I feel I have to somewhat believe him... he was dressed, his friends were not, and neither were the girls."

"So..." she leaned down, and got in her face "Kick him out... and if you don't, you're just going to hurt your chances on finding someone that does care about you, and wants you. You've already wasted six years for nothing, why waste anymore? Your biological clock is ticking, go out, and find yourself a real man."

Tiara stood back up, and smiled "I've got to go, Teagan has dinner cooking, and I'm starving."

Victoria sighed, and watched Tiara leave the room. She continued coding the files, billed them, and after an hour, she finally finished the stack she wanted to get done, and grabbed a post it note, writing down instructions for Doctor Jones, and wanting him to fix the wording so she can correctly bill out the patients paperwork to insurance.

Grabbing the stack of files, she headed over to Doctor Jones's office, and walked in. "Victoria, how can I help you?" he asked, surprised to see her walking into his office.

She was surprised herself seeing him still here, and sitting at his desk. She thought he had gone home hours ago after not seeing him with any patients. She walked over to him, and set the folders down in front of him, pointing to her post it notes. "All of these need to be re-worded before I bill them out."

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