
"Oh, don't tell me that you gonna use your brain to solve mysteries. And don't forget to wear something on your head when you're doing that." said Timon sarcastically again.

"You know, Simba. Since you saved my friend, you could be our protector in this place." said the Pachirisu.

"Yeah, you could be our hero." added Pumbaa, "So what do you think?"

"Hmmmm...I think it's great." Simba agreed, "I am fierce against enemies and strong to save everyone."

They continued eating their feast of bugs. That night after the feast, a monstrous belch was heard, coming from Simba. Simba, Timon and Pumbaa rested with stars visible on the night sky.

"Whoa. Nice one, Simba." said Timon.

"Thanks." replied Simba, "Man, I'm stuffed."

"Me too." said Pumbaa, "Glad that we were here to sleep."

"And you wonder why I prefer to sleep underground." joked Timon and they laughed, following their deep sigh. Then, Pumbaa saw stars above the sky. He didn't know what were they call.

"Hey, Timon. Do you ever look up there and wonder what those sparkly dots are?" asked Pumbaa.

"I don't wonder. I know." replied Timon.

"Really? What are they?"

"They're...swarms of Volbeat and Illumise." replied Timon, "They're uh...got stuck up on that big...bluish-black...thing."

"I guess that makes sense." said Pumbaa, "I always thought they were balls of gas burning billions of miles away."

"Pumbaa, wit' you, everything's gas." said Timon.

"I know. What do you think, Simba?" asked Pumbaa.

"Well, I don't know. But somebody once told me that the great kings of the past are up there, watching over us." replied Simba reluctantly.

"Really?" asked Pumbaa, awed genuinely.

"You mean a bunch of royal dead guys are watching us?" asked Timon but then, he broke out laughing, Pumbaa joined in and so was Simba, only he did half-heartedly. They thought what Simba had said was a joke.

"That's a good one!" laughed Timon.

"That's insane! That's insane!" laughed Pumbaa and Timon and Pumbaa's laugh continued.

"Royal dead guys watching over us!"

"Well, I hope they don't fall out of the sky!"

"Hang on, Your Majesty! Don't let go!"

"Oh, that would be a mess."

"Oh, man! I mean, Simba, think about it." laughed Timon, "Why would a bunch of kings be looking out for us? Who told you something like that? What mook made that up?"

"Yeah, that's stupid. Pretty dumb, huh?" Simba gazed at the stars and he got up quietly and left.

"Was it something I said?" asked Timon as he watched Simba leaving.

"What did you say to him?" asked Pumbaa.

"I don't know." replied Timon.

Simba walked out on a ledge and looked up at the stars. Then, he collapsed to lay on the edge of the ledge with piece of his scarlet mane fell off and blew away by the wind. It flew shortly and landed in front of a legendary Pokémon, Ho-Oh.

Ho-Oh saw the Pyroar on the ledge. He saw that he resembles Mufasa but he knew that Mufasa's already dead and found that it's Simba. Ho-Oh picked up the hair with his foot and flew away. In the Pride Lands, few surviving Pokémon stayed at Rafiki's place, including Zazu.

"Say, are they safe here in your place?" asked Zazu to Rafiki.

"Watch this." Rafiki pointed out to the incoming Mightyena heading towards his tree. But then, a gigantic vine came out from the ground and attacked the Mightyena until they ran away.


"Wait a minute. This tree, those spiky stones and this grassy soil. Don't tell me that...!"

Rafiki's home was in fact a gigantic Torterra! Its body stayed on the ground while its shell was on the surface. He sensed intruders and attacked them via Vine Whip or Frenzy Plant. Then, a colorful feather called the Rainbow Wing fell from above and above was Ho-Oh hovering over the tree and landed on a branch.

"Hello, old friend." greeted Rafiki.

"You're friends with that legendary Pokémon?" asked Zazu.

"A long time." answered Ho-Oh.

"What brings you here?" asked Rafiki.

"You won't believe this." replied Ho-Oh, "I came from that jungle and saw him. I brought something that came from him."

Ho-Oh handed over the hair to Rafiki. Rafiki sniffed the hair which familiarized him. He also familiarized the scarlet red color of the hair.

"Simba? He-he's alive?" asked Rafiki.

"Yes!" replied Ho-Oh, "Also, he fully evolved!"

"He-he-HE'S ALIVE!" Rafiki laughed delightfully as he picked up the paint and drew a mane on a smeared Litleo painting, changing it into a Pyroar. He climbed up above the tree and shouted out...


After few moments...

"It is time!"

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