Day 6: Mummies

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My whole life I'd been searching for the tomb of King Osiris. I'd followed the clues strewn throughout ancient Egyptian mythology, going deep into unknown rabbit holes. My entire life was leading up to this moment, more than a decade of chasing myths. At long last, I was about to open the tomb of the king of the underworld himself, Osiris. I was going to prove all the doubters wrong, show the myths were based on some semblance of reality.

Here I am. Standing in front of the door I'd waited my whole life to go through. Written in ancient Egyptian were the words, "Here lies King Osiris, king of the underworld." My body shook with anticipation as I held up the chisel and hammer, gently wedging it in to pry open the door. As the ancient door opened, a cloud of dust flew out, air preserved from thousands of years ago escaping into the bright desert.

I turned to my partner. "Are you ready Joel?"

"As ready as I'll ever be." He replied.

"Then let's go," I said.

We stepped together into the ancient tomb, pulling out our flashlights to light our way. The walls were covered in hieroglyphics, telling the story of King Osiris. The air was musty, and I couldn't help but think how this was the very air some of the ancients must have breathed thousands of years ago. It was humbling and felt like an honor.

"Can you believe this Joel?" I asked as we walked. "After all these years we're finally here!"

"It's incredible," Joel said. "I knew I was right in never doubting you."

We continued to walk deeper and deeper into the tomb, finally coming to the burial chamber. In the center, there was an elaborately decorated sarcophagus. Written in hieroglyphics were the words, "do not disturb the tomb of King Osiris, else his curse come upon you." I gently touched the sarcophagus, finally feeling what I'd searched half my life for. Surrounding us on either side were six other sarcophagi, standing guard over Osiris.

"Are you ready to see inside?" I asked.

"I'm ready if you're ready," Joel said.

"On three," I said. We both placed our hands on one side of the lid. "One, two, three!"

Together we pushed opening the sarcophagus. Inside were the mummified remains of King Osiris himself, ruler of the underworld. As the top came off, a wind blew through the tomb.

"What was that all about?" Joel said startled.

"Who cares, probably just a desert gust," I said, admiring the body of Osiris.

Then I heard the sound of movement coming from the sarcophagi surrounding us. The lids burst open, revealing living mummies. They were wrapped in cloth, and their dried and preserved flesh was visible in some gaps. Sharp teeth in black holes of mouths glinted in the darkness. With no time to react, one of them grabbed Joel and dragged him off, kicking and screaming for help.

In shock, I didn't know what to do. One grabbed me quickly before I could figure out what to do. I lurched out of its grasp, while another one took a swipe at me. The mummies converged on me, chasing me into a corner. I was blocked in, ancient evil mummies standing between me and the exit.

Figuring I had nothing to lose, I charged at them. Just as they were ready to grab me and drag me off, I rolled under them, feeling their arms narrowly miss me. I bolted for the exit, running as fast as I could to the surface. Behind me I could hear Joel screaming in pain, calling out for help. It hurt me to my core that I couldn't save him, but I couldn't allow these mummies into the world.

As I reached the entrance to the tomb, I forced the door back into place, sealing the tomb once more. I made a vow to myself that day, that I would never reveal the location of Osiris's tomb. It was too much of a price to pay for discovery. No discovery should ever be worth another mans life.

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