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the sound of the blaring alarm clock made me groan. i rubbed my tired eyes and reached over to grab my phone silencing it. today was gonna be my first day of school and i slick didn't want to go, but i know my dad wasn't folding for that so i didn't really have a choice.

i quickly went into the bathroom to do my business, soon brushing my teeth and washing my face along with showering. after getting myself together i was set to leave out the house but i wanted to eat something first. i can't stand school breakfast. i made my way downstairs and saw my dad sitting at the dining room table, drinking his coffee.

"good morning son." he said glancing at me before he looked back down at his coffee cup, taking a sip from it.

"what's up pops" i said going over to the cabinets to grab some "Frosted Flakes". i then grabbed the milk and took a bowl out the dish rack so i can make my bowl of cereal.

"you ready for your first day as a senior?" i heard my dad say. i shrugged my shoulders, this conversation was conflicting to me. i didn't even really care for school even though i excelled at it. my grades were always good and i played basketball, i was captain at that. basketball was my ticket to college, hopefully.

"i mean i guess, i don't know i'm just not feeling it today." i said with a shrug as i started to eat my sugary cereal. he only nodded his head at my words.

"well i'm working overtime tonight so i need you home by 10 it's a school night you know the drill, and don't be having that damn girl in my house, i mean it lathan, she's nothing but trouble" he said his voice stern as he scolded me.

he was talking about this girl lyric, i used to fool around with. she was a lil cutie i met not too long ago over the summer. i didn't even know she went to my school to be honest with you, but turns out she did. my dad didn't like her because he thought she was really clingy with me, she was lowkey crazy but i'm not even gonna get into that. that's kind of the reason i stopped talking to her. lyric started becoming obsessive and boy crazy over me so that's what kind of made me shy away from her. i didn't even cuff her and she was all on my dick, talking crazy to any girl that came my way. acting like a real nut i couldn't get jiggy with that so i dropped her. she's delusional though so she still thinks we have something going on when we don't.

"i'm not even talking to her anymore pops, youn gotta worry about that." i said chuckling as i finished up my cereal, drinking the milk that remained in my bowl.

"you laughing but i'm dead serious, that lil girl is missing a few screws, i hope you wrapped it up" he said shaking his head.

he was right, me and her did have sex all the time. i honestly think that's what made her go all coo coo on me but it's not my fault i have good pipe.

"you know i always strap up pops don't even trip" i said rinsing my bowl out, setting it in the sink after i was finished.

"good because i don't need no damn grandkids" he said shaking his head. i laughed at him because he was dead serious. i didn't want any kids though so he had nothing to worry about.

"you silly pops, but ima head out, i'll text you later today." i said grabbing my book bag and my car keys.

"alright son, be safe and remember what i said." he said making me nod at his words. i then left out the house making my way to my car. after getting settled in my car i sped off to school.


me, royce, neek, kk, sauve and jay all sat at the lunch table cracking jokes with each other.

"i'm telling you bro shorty ass was not smelling right, had to tell her ass to dip." jay said shaking his head making royce bust out laughing as he clapped.

"you ain't right for that bro" neek said shaking his head as he took a sip of his apple juice.

"nah bro there should be no excuse about hygiene, especially down there yeah nah" royce said adding his 2 cents.

"i'm saying bitches act like they can't shower before a dick appointment" sauve said rolling his eyes in aggravation making jay and royce laugh even more.

"i don't know what girls y'all be fucking but the ones i've had a taste of don't be smelling weird" kk said shrugging his shoulders at them.

"what you want a trophy nigga? shut up." sauve said making me laugh. they play too much.

"ya'll ain't shit" i said shaking my head at them while laughing. i rubbed my eyes and got up from table and dapped them all up.

"i'm bout to head to my homeroom, fucking around with y'all ima be late." i said they all said their goodbyes to me as i walked off.

as i was walking to my homeroom a bunch of females stopped me and said "hi"and shit. i wouldn't say i was a player but i had my fair share of the girls that go here. i've messed with a few thooters that go to Newport High but i had my variety in my own school. it wasn't a good way to carry myself and i knew that but i didn't care. not my fault these girls throw themselves at me.

karla stopped me with a confused look on her face. she was neek's girlfriend. i think they've been dating for over 3 months i'm not sure but she was cool people, fine as fuck too. she was dressed in a black plaid skirt with an off the shoulder white crop top, her hair was in a loose bun and man if she wasn't fucking neek i swear i would've snatched her up.

"do you know where neek is at? he hasn't answered any of the texts i sent him" she said as she crossed her arms rolling her eyes.

"he's in the lunchroom shorty" i said laughing at how irritated she was. she stayed on neek's ass but it was out of love and i could tell she really loved my brother, she wasn't one of those thooter ass bitches and i fucked with it.

"thanks mosey" she said sighing as she walked off making her way towards the cafeteria. i started to make my way towards my home room i could hear somebody calling my name but i ignored it because i wasn't about to stop again. before i could even make my way into the classroom this bitch lyric stepped in front of me with a mad look on her face like she wanted to do something.

"i know you heard me calling your name." lyric said with an attitude. she had blue ripped jeans with a red tube top, her casual wear.

"nah i didn't." i said blandly, i really didn't want to talk to her nut ass. she was too pretty to be this crazy

"why haven't you been answering my texts and why did you block me on snapchat and instagram?" she asked as she folded her arms. her words were truly going in one ear and out the other. i didn't have time for her crazy ass.

"because ain't shit to talk about lyric, i been told you we was through what don't you get?" i said mugging her. she was pissing me off.

"no we're not you told me you wanted me to be your girl mosey" she said she lowkey looked hurt but i didn't care.

"nah now you're tweaking i never said that shit" i said shaking my head at her.

"yes you did, i'm your girl no matter what you say and i DARE any of these bitches to talk to you, they gon have to see me and that's a promise" she said, she was acting like a real psycho and i wonder what made me want to talk to her.

she wasn't always like this though. when i met her she was mad chill and shit but deeper into our lil fling her ass started getting crazy out of nowhere and i dipped as soon as i saw the signs. my dad was warning me about girls like her. he told me i needed to be careful about who i messed around with because this could be the outcome. but me being me i didn't listen and now look at my situation.

"do what you gotta do lyric, i don't care." i said walking past her shaking my head.

"this isn't over, i promise you that" she yelled after me making me scoff as i went into my homeroom. i don't know what ima do.

NEW STORY ALERTTTT let me know what you guys think so far. comment and vote for the next chapter 💜

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