Kurenai frowned at that, seeing his hesitation to go inside. "I-I'll pay you the amount you pay." Naruto reasoned making her sigh slightly, "Naruto, I don't know your size." She reasoned making him tense and gulped. Knowing full well what will happen if he enters those doors. giving a look of hesitation he slowly began walking inside, hiding in the Jounin's shadow. They began walking around before a lady from the front walked up to her. "Hello! Is there anything I can help you with.

Kurenai smiled slightly, "Yes, we are looking for some formal Kimonos? Is there any in stalk?" She asked curiously making the lady nod happily, "You said "We"?" She asked curiously before Kurenai stepped out of the way but Naruto kept hiding behind her... but the lady saw the slight scurring blond. "YOU! I Told you to stay OUT of my store!" She raised her hand against him and Naruto flinched at the action only for Kurenai to grab her hand and smile sickly sweet at her. "To attack a Ninja of Konoha... You do realize that is an executable offense."

She pulled her hand away and pointed towards the blond as if it was a rat in the corner of the room. "Then why hasn't this DEMON got executed!? He killed thousands 14 years ago!" Naruto felt his hands shaking before he turned and ran out the door, his tears freely flowing down. He wasn't one to cry, no of course not, he bottled everything up until it hit him with enough force that every other emotion came out...

Naruto rounded a corner wiping his eyes before he ran into someone, twisting himself he landed on the ground with someone on top of him. "Ow.." Naruto groaned and wiped his eyes briefly trying to rid the tears and to see who he bumped into. When he did open his eyes he saw a red-haired teen about his age staring at him curiously with silver eyes staring at his blue ones. "I-I'm sorry! I didn't see where I was going." Naruto said before looking away from the curious orbs.

"It's okay, I was kinda not paying attention either." The boy laughed sheepishly before getting up off the concrete before holding out his hand for the blond to grab. "You hurt?" Naruto looked at the boy and defiantly knew that he was not from here and grabbed his awaiting hand. "N-No I'm fine..." getting pulled up he was standing up in front of the slightly taller teen, the teen was smiling sheepishly at the awkward exchange before he stopped and his eyes turned into concern. "Were you crying?" 

Naruto blinked before he noticed his eyes were hurting, probably red from crying and running in the wind. "Ah, It's nothing," Naruto said wiping his eyes quickly before the silver-eyed teen grabbed his hand that was slightly scratched from the fall and gave his eyes a look again. "Doesn't seem like nothing." The blond's mind started to whirl before he thought of an excuse. "I just can't find a Kimono for the ball tonight, I'm supposed to help with the Jounins and I think I'm going to get in trouble." 

The other nodded his head before humming. "I have some extra Kimono's if you want, I'm going to that ball tonight." He said with a grin making Naruto tilt his head curiously. "Really? Oh, thank you so much! uhh..." Naruto paused briefly looking at the other boy. "What's your name?" The mystery boy laughed at that and pulled the hand of the blond close to his lips and gave it a kiss. "I'm Ryouichi, you can call me Ryou, and you are?" Naruto blushed in embarrassment and pulled his hand away slightly baffled. "N-Naruto." 

The now named Ryouichi smiled at him and lightly waved the boy to follow him. "So Naruto, when we are at the ball Do I get the first dance?" Ryouichi grinned making Naruto scoff slightly. "Why would you want to dance with me, I'm a nobody." the blond couldn't help but think it was kinda the opposite, he was treated like someone that did the most heinous crime. "Mmmm Well you still owe me for letting you borrow one of my Kimono~" Ryouichi sang innocently while Naruto shook his head in disbelief. "Fine, you can have my first dance." 

"Oh really! It's an honor Naruto-sama!" 


"Ahahaha we are going to have so much fun!" Ryouichi laughed happily at the blushing blond as he snaked his arm around his shoulders. Naruto couldn't help but smile at the boy's charisma... but then the doubt within his mind slowly weaved its way back into his mind as he tensed. Ryouichi felt it briefly and looked at him with a grin. "So tell me more about you! I think you owe me bumping into me." He winked making Naruto roll his eyes, he already said sorry as well but he decided to indulge the teen. 

What is Worth Protecting? -NarutoWhere stories live. Discover now