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Zayyad was not keen to meet his family or if he was honest with himself, Layla. He had missed Ni'imah so much. His baby sister was adorable and wholesome of trouble. He was genuinely happy to see her as she ran and took his hand welcoming him. She was so cute and adorable that he never want to see her angry and would protect her from any harm. The man that would eventually have her hands in marriage have to undergo screening. She deserves to be happy really.

The household didn't change one bit. The row of flowers were even more greener. The scorching sun was already shining and he couldn't help sweating. That and the fact that everything felt wrong and out of place. He made a move out of the corner of his eyes to search her silhouette which was in vain.

He entered the living room where Abba was reclining in one of the sofa. Hajiya came downstairs her face eased with a smile. He squatted and greeted his father to which Alhaji Hussien extended his hand at Zayyad. He took the gesture, greeted Hajiya and for the second time casually searched the living room. Has she left? The thought of that alone made him want to ask if she were around or perhaps she went to get something from the grocery. He visualized how her eyes would dilate when she enter and see him in all his glory, relaxed and chitchatting. He wouldn't spare her a glare least, the room would be too suffocating for both of them.

Ni'imah came out with a tray of fruits and a spaghetti bolognese she had made for her brother. She served him and he immediately dug in. He didn't have a breakfast in Kano because he was in so much hurry.

Abba was explaining how the breakdown of the transaction is when Layla strode into the parlor her navy blue hijab extended to knee-length. She halted. Everything else did. Time literally stopped with her heart expanding that she felt it would explode out of her. Her legs were too weak to move farther. She was debating going in and walking back to her room.

Nothing prepared her to what she felt when she saw him. It was pure hatred that she feared it could kill on sight. She didn't bother if anyone had noticed how everything in her and around her stopped. She started feeling dizzy and supported herself with the closest wall. She gasped as her chest constricted more. She feared her life may jump out of her and be left dead.

How stupid of her to think she had healed. What made her think what Zayyad did would fade away like a simple paint? Oh, it was beyond that. He had made unto her life a mark she would go to her grave with.

Abba was facing the door in which she entered and had seen what happened. He stopped in mid sentence and asked " Layla is everything okay?"

Zayyad felt a pang in his chest. He wasn't aware of her present. A part of him wanted to pretend he had nothing to do with her and damn her being okay or not but his primal instinct won and he turned. He felt something in him which he had no word for. She looked too small for his liking. How could someone be this small? But he knew better. He knew what he was seeing was a reflex action to seeing him. It was a shock of totally facing that same person you hate. He could remember that look she gave him in the hospital and it all but said 'I hate you '

The reality was she would have to live with that person she hate under the same roof. Cook for him if need be and serve him too. He had dominated and overshadowed her life and it was their little secret. He had honestly wanted to spend longer before he come back. It was just a hand off for her to heal.

She was still supporting her timid self with the wall. It was the only support she has literally. It was there when she needed it and that matters. How many among people were there when she needed them?

The room was silent and she knew every person attention was on her. Abba's and Hajiya's puzzled eyes and Zayyad rather cool ones. She would definitely think twice before she expose him there. A tingle of sweat rolled down his forehead. She was making him agitated damn her.

Everything was slow, time itself was. It had deserted her as it did on that horrible night. Hajiya moved forward to escort Layla to her room but before she could reach, Layla had took the last air and slumped to the ground.

" Innalillahi wa Inna ilaihi raji'un. Layla!! Layla!! " Hajiya hastily reached to her side, calling out her name and shaking her limp body.

Abba had left his chair and had came to join Hajiya Who was still shaking Layla obviously trying to wake her up.

Zayyad was rooted where he was. He had stood up when she fell but other than that it was as if someone had tied him to the space he stood. His attention was on that scene. It felt like a dejavu. Hell, it was. This was close to same thing that happened that night. He closed his eyes as he remembered how scared he was that night, how he had lifted her to the car, how he had took her to the hospital corridor. It was vivid and clear in his head. And for the first time he had himself asking was it really worth it?

Abba had gotten the keys and asked Hajiya to bring her to the car as though he wasn't the one complaining of headache earlier. Zayyad watched from where he stood as though he was out of place, not part of them or not supposed to be there. He didn't offer to drive or join them as Hajiya brought her veil and left telling him they would be back soon.

Everything happened so fast that it was too much for him to take in. So much for coming back to Abuja. He looked around, sighed and took his phone before heading to his room. He would need enough time to wrap what happened in his head. On an impulse, he thought of taking a flight back.

Abba was behind the wheel. He didn't trust the driver. He hated seeing people in pains because it reminds him of how helpless humans really are. He speeded out of the terrace and join the road. Hajiya was at the backseat holding Layla's white hands. It was as though the blood in her has drained. She looked lifeless. She wouldn't think If anything happens to her. Her mother had entrusted her as an Amanah and God knows she did the best she could.

She had even talked to Alhaji to enroll her in school seeing how zealous and intelligent she was and he had agreed to that.

Hajiya had sensed a change in her whole attitude since she came back. She was reluctant, terrified and edgy as if waiting for a slightest thing to take her down. Something was definitely wrong somewhere and she closed her eyes silently praying for the girl to get well.

Layla was moved in to the Accident and Emergency unit of the hospital with Hajiya plunging to her side. They had to excuse the female nurse who was checking her vital while they waited on the corridor.

Zayyad was confused and edgy. He hadn't added another morsel. It took an effort to swallow the food already in his mouth. He wasn't convinced their little secret won't be blown out. Was it really their secret or rather his alone? Everything was happening so fast that he couldn't think of anything as he paced up and down his room, his hands hung at the nape of his head.


He had wanted to run and scooped her up like he had that faithful night. It felt as though it was expected of him, his responsibility. How the hell did that become his responsibility? He asked himself. But the truth kept glaring at him with mockery. He wouldn't have started what he couldn't finish.

A humane part of him, that part that was protective of his baby sister, kept pushing him to follow them and be by her side. If not for anything, for making a young girl hopeless and traumatized. He almost made to go but the selfish part, the part that was ruthless and dominant, part that overshadowed his own self told him to ignore the little witch. It was just a stunt to get his attention and she did just that. Altogether, he hoped she would get well because he wasn't ready to leave his father's house for her and hell, he wouldn't live the rest of his life jumpy and edgy. He had promised to be careful for God sake!!!What more does she want? Whatever it was that she want, she was far from getting it. He imagined timid Layla threatening his life and he all but laugh at that. Such a clumsy young beautiful girl she was.

He settled on his bed and wait for their return.



I was fast. weren't I? I had prayed to have a muse and I got it yesterday so here!!

Say something to me.

Are we feeling it???

Poor Layla Habibty. 😭😭

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