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Yaseer was seated with the same girl he had introduced to Zayyad days before. He wasn't interested in the name nor the bearer. She was in a short top and jeans and was leaning on Yaseer. It wasn't something new to Zayyad. This was basically his life back in London but he has more pressing matter now.

He settled down and the lady finally got some decency to excuse them. Yasser offered a drink which Zayyad declined remembering what happened last time he took a drink from him. But what almost happened made him glad that he actually took the drink. He was so close to having her!!! He couldn't help the stir of hormones in him.

" Yas, I'm in serious trouble."

Yasser dismissed the lady with his hand and strengthen up lighting a cigarette. He nodded indicating ' go on'

" I've seen a fine whine and honestly I can't think of anything else."

Yasser smiled then puffed out the smoke from both mouth and nose, showing how experienced he was with smoke making Zayyad coughed. He doesn't smoke or drink. That's one thing he prided himself on.

" What I don't get is why we're having this conversation. Last I checked, You're the Greek god every girl wants to worship. So what's wrong? "

Zayyad too was surprised that they were having that conversation. He was always being loved by girls. His charm was simply enticing and many girls have fallen prey to it. What happened? But he knew exactly what was wrong. Layla is just a teenager that barely knows outside the walls of her room and he wouldn't deny that was what made her irresistible.

" It's a naive girl I've came around." he made the statement short. He wouldn't want to start saying she's their maid. It felt wrong even to his mouth. Zayyad being involved with a maid, that'll make a big front page headline.

He shifted the topic towards weather complaining how hot it was.

" What was that you gave me the other day?"

" Where? "

" The drink I had the day I came for the party. I narrowly made it to the house." he didn't mention what he almost did.

" I call it ecstasy and I usually put it in my drinks. I think it's in this one I'm taking too."

He gave him a doubtful glance then nodded.

Layla took out the last book she had left in her bag. She vividly remember taking it from her friend as forget me not. Then, she was excited to be living in Abuja. She heard different tales from people or when she see it on News on days they have light. She once saw the National mosque. It was big and beautiful unlike the ones they have in their area.

She took the book out, it was a literary drama ' the incorruptible judge'. she has once seen Ni'imah with a novel. It has so many pages she wondered how many days it would take to finish one. She adores Ni'imah's spoken English. It was eloquent with no accent. She wished one day she would be lucky to know a lot of things and speak good English as well. She was planning to ask if Ni'imah could help out. She seems nice.

Layla kept the book on an impulse and walked to the kitchen. Since her dear Innah doesn't want her back, she should at least do what she was employed for. Feeding the household of Alhaji Hussein Tofa. She loves kitchen affairs and with the fancy utensils and posh kitchen, she wouldn't mind cooking for whole day. Everything is readily available in abundance. Stock fish, dried ones, frozen chicken and beef. It was just a question of choice and today she feels like cooking couscous.

Hajiya has shown her how to make it before she left so, she would try today. So she set up with her business.

She finally finished and arranged the table. It was among few other things she helps Ni'imah to do but she set today's table for one.

She went back to her room arranging her bed before the call for Magrib. It eventually came and she offered her salat then had some recitation. Before she left home she was almost done with her Quran classes but that too has been stopped. She realized a lot of things she was missing due to being here but she has to since she was the breadwinner of the family. Sadly...

Layla served herself a plate and took out a bottle of water before walking to her room. That was the normal routine. Serve him and stay in the room. Hopefully, that would make their contact less.

Long after Isha'i, she heard footsteps meaning he was back. She was positive her plan would go as successful as yesterday not until a knock came on door.

" Who is there?" she asked fully aware who it was.

" It's me. Open the door."

She did.

" Where's my food? "

Are you blind?

She rolled her eyes in her mind before firmly stating " It's on the dining table."

"Take it to my room." he said turning to leave.

" I'm sorry I can't." she said defiantly. Where she got that nerve, she was yet to accept that she, Layla, talked back at the only son of her employee, who could as well sack her this very moment!

Zayyad turned back to confirm what she said and for the first time he saw those clear eyes looking back at him. They were freaking sexy. Every single thing about her was enticing. He was surprisingly feeling good that she talked back at him, and upon that defiantly.

Such a beautiful tigress

His mind has wondered far from where he stood but his eyes lingered on her curvy lips. He made to say something but nothing came out. To his shock, he smiled.

He made to leave but the next thing he knew was he had shoved her inside the room and barged in. Threatening her with his eyes and obviously, his height.

Layla took steps back muttering Inna lillahi wa Inna ilaihi rajiun. Feeling of fear settled in her whole being as he pushed the door. LOCKING THEM IN

Her hands were trembling and the evil smirk on his face made her realized how stupid she was to talk back at him.

" Why are you scared? I could've actually left you  Layla if you hadn't talked back at me but the moment you did...... " he let his words hung and she could feel her heart as it beats in irregular rhythm.

She has never been this terrified in her all life. Each step he took was increasingly a threat, a danger, shadowing her till he took her veil. She shuddered from fear, tears springing from her eyes but if anything Zayyad was more obsessed with having her all to himself, at his mercy, and nothing was coming his way.

Everything stood at that moment as Zayyad made his whimsical wish. She made to fight but he got her pinned to her wall as he nibbled on her face, and neck.

She cursed his very living in her head. Her eyes were closed and the pool of tears were just beginning. She wanted to be anywhere, any possible place but not that room. She would trade everything to disappear into a thin air and leave this horrible place. At that moment, she hated herself, her family, her Innah for being selfish, her Baba for being too tolerant of Innah's attitude, both of them for endangering her life and now she was paying for the selfishness of Innah. She could've been at home by now but Innah refused.

That night Zayyad took what wasn't his. Her dignity, her innocence, her pride. He took it without her consent and he took it forcefully.

He did it again and again like a thirsty animal freed from a cage that he didn't notice the pool of blood on the bed, neither did he notice she hasn't moved and she wasn't breathing.

He felt so fulfilled and satiated that he fell into slumber immediately with no care in the world, with her lifeless body beside him.


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