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Time kept passing by slowly and the only thing Layla had in her stomach was the food from last night before the horrible event she was praying to forget. She had been alone in the small room and needed to take something.

She heard a creaky sound of the door then the voice of Dr. munnir saying salam to which she only nodded. She was choked with anger and hunger that words couldn't form.

He stood very close to her bed that made her jumpy. It was obvious he saw the fear in her eyes making him wished for the second time he could lay his hands on the jerk that did this to her. He feared that she were traumatized and was developing a general phobia to guard herself from men.

From the previous night up to when he entered the room, she has been on his mind. She looked so innocent and helpless and he felt the surge to fight for her right hopefully, if she cooperate.

" How are you feeling now? " his voice was casual as though they've met on different days.

She nodded again and looked away to the door adjacent to her. She wanted to thank him for saving her and for being nice enough to ask how she felt but something has constricted her mouth.

Dr. Munnir was slightly worried about her silence. She could be fighting her shock and she needed silence. He checked her vitals again and she was recovering quite well.

" A hot tea will be brought shortly." he smiled and left.

Silence stretched out as she was left with her shambles of a so called life. She could see through his eyes when he came in. Unlike the doctor's own that were soft and pitiful towards her, Zayyad's eyes were dangling with something she couldn't point out. Perhaps it was the impunity he has that nothing could be done to him.

The footsteps she heard jerked her from her whirlpool of thoughts that could change nothing obviously. The nurse that was wearing a squeaky white uniform was carrying a cup of tea. She had a frowning face and kept the tea by the side drawer.

"Here's your tea." she mumbled and walked out as fast as she came.

Layla moved her legs to sit up and she realized that was the first real movement she did since she was brought to the hospital except of course those she did in her mind while hoping to strangle Zayyad. If it were left to her, he would have been dead in hundred different ways. She stretched out and picked up the cup that was still steaming. When she tasted it on her tongue she felt the warmth that seeped through her stomach and it was heavenly.

To her surprise, she drank the tea up and if she was being honest she would do with another cup. She leaned back as she started sweating from the warmth in her body but if felt actually good. She sat back for a long time thinking about herself, her identity and what was to be of her. She was poor, weak and has no voice.

She sobbed and wiped and wiped and sobbed in her solitude. For the thing that would happen, for the pain she would go through, for hands that would point at her while she was innocent, she wept.

Her body was stinking and felt dirty so she decided to wash up when for the first time it dawned on her that that wasn't what she was wearing before he assaulted her. Could that mean? No!!! Did he dress her and took the only thing she could have used against him? But did she really want to challenge him? She hasn't decided for now.

" Innalillahi wa Inna ilaihi rajiun."

She felt a new surge of anger and frustration. How could he be so heartless? At this she doubted his being a human. She adjusted her scarf tucking in her lush hair that was entangled with the scarf and walked to the door close to the drawer which she assumed to be a toilet.

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