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Having finally decided on what to do with her life, how to do sounded harder given her inexperience and naivety. But she had to be strong to do that. It marvelled her how the thought of putting them in pain was already giving her joy. She actually smiled and that was when it dawned on her that a new Layla was born. A different girl that was born as a result of too much hate and need for retribution.

That night, she didn't sleep till Adhaan was called. She kept tossing on her mattress and was looking for possible solution. She heard Baba going around the rooms waking them up but she was out before he reached their room.

After subh, she sat on her mat and did some Dhikr. When the sky was more bright, innah entered their room and Layla couldn't help the contempt she felt for her. Her face was the last thing she wanted to see. And when all is done she would pay to see Innah begging for her forgiveness.

" where did you go to?" Innah asked holding a broom she later tossed at Layla to sweep the compound.

Layla scoffed. Really? After you've slept fitfully? "It doesn't matter since I'm back and well." She shot back and took the broom and left the room adjusting her scarf to close her silky hair.

Innah had no option but to go about making the customary early morning kunu.

Layla finished her early morning chore and took her breakfast which was kunu and tuwo from yesterday's dinner which she didn't get to eat because she was so busy with how to make a sense out of her messed up life. When she was done and had already started picking rice for lunch, Innah came and sat at the end of the compound and was feeding her goat. From behind her, Layla called her.
"Layla What is it? Why are you shouting my name?!"

She smiled nonchalantly and held her hands akimbo. "Oh, I wanted to tell you that I'll not be going back to Abuja." She stated so calmly while she observed every change in Innah's face.

While trying to figure what to say, Innah realized that the tone of Layla was having a finality in it. She wasn't asking for permission.
She made an effort to talk but was tongue tied.

"Layla, what happened?" She wore a very concerned look that almost made Layla burst into laughter. This was just a beginning of a taste of her medicine.

Layla leisurely reclined on the wall behind her and stated with a finality. "No, I just want to stay at home and besides there's something I want to care of."

Innah looked from this side to the other as she watch her financial world literally crashing in front of her. She felt helpless as Layla shut all her sources of income and was happily and casually telling her.

She got so frustrated that she started shouting Baba's name "Malam!!! Malam!!!! You should come out. If your poverty didn't kill me this witch daughter of yours will kill me. Malam!!!" She was shouting at the top of her voice.

Layla didn't move an inch. She scoffed and returned to her room. She had made her statement and that was one of her many plot which she plans to unfold from time to time to her beloved family. The feeling was heart warming actually. She felt quite good as she settled on her mat zooming out the voice of Innah as she started her Qur'anic recitation. For all she care, Innah should do whatever she feels like.

Zayyad stirred from his sleep and something felt surprisingly odd. For a second he lost thought of where he was until it dawned on him that he actually picked up some random girl from the street and drove there with her. What a crazy world!!

He finally opened his eyes to access the room but found that he was the only one in bed. maybe she was using the toilet. He stood up to adjust himself and checked the drawer to use his phone. It read 15 missed call and he knew for a fact that it was his mother and he was right. She even left a text that they were worried and he should pick the call. He hissed and tossed the phone on the bed and walked to the bathroom to see what was taking her too long.

There was no any movement but he entered. To his disgust there was no one. He was stupefied to find no one. Has she left? Where has she gone to? And Damn, he didn't even know her name. He hurried back to the bedroom and nothing of hers was there. He remembered quite well that he had used his ATM card to pay for the lodging. She was gone damn it!!!

It was disturbing to spend a night with someone and find the person gone in the morning. It doesn't speak safety. He had a wonderful night with her and has got his mind off that nun. He was planning on having some bonding time but the devil erased herself out of the room.

He had his shower and thanked God in heaven she didn't go with anything of his which was very weird. He took his key and accessories and left home. This was one of those night he get serve goodies on silver platter and not allowed to clear the plate but then at least he had something from the plate.

He met Maama in the parlor very disturbed and angry. Abba had obviously left for work literally sending the message that with or without him he would do just fine.
Zayyad walked nonchalantly to his room as though he hadn't seen the anger in his mother's eyes or her series of missed calls and message.

" Zayyad, where have you been? Didn't you see my calls yesterday and earlier today?" She called out her heart lurching at the pain she feels due to anger. They had been so easy on Zayyad during his upbringing and it was beginning to show. He had no regard for anyone.

"Maama I got busy with something yesterday. At least I'm back you should thank God." He shrugged and left before she start a series of lecture on why parent are the very important thing in his life and why he should take them serious. As if they take him serious!!

It was a long day for Innah since Layla's statement. She left the house immediately after feeding her goat to see her friend and partner in crime, Ladidi. Layla firmly believe Larai plays an important role in what happens in their household. She had already sent her daughter to the south to work and it was said the girl had ran away. She was the person that introduced Innah to Hajiya.

While Innah was away, Baba came to find Layla deep in thought. He had to say the Salam again before she was aware of him.
"Layla, your mother said you told her you're not going back anymore, why?"

For a moment, she was tempted to tell him everything but it was too early. She feared he would read her mind so she lowered her head and answered " Baba I don't want to work anymore. I want to live with my family. You have sent me to a very far place and you're not concerned about my health, my life, whether I've eaten or not, slept or not, in danger or safe, no, she don't care about that and it's fine."

She had started sobbing realizing that she was neglected and seen as an outcast by people who are primarily hers, whose wellbeing should be in their hands.
" is that the Amanah you took from Allah? Would you positively answer to Allah that you had taken care of what was rightfully yours too? Kullukum Ra'in wa kullukum mas'ulun an Ra'iyatih. You know this more than I do Baba. You're the head of the family and whatever you say is the final decision. If you ask me to go back I will but I'll not guarantee you my coming back." She subtly threatened and it scared him.

She wiped her eyes, Baba rooted by the weight of her words. They had done her wrong and he had done nothing to help out and he felt awful. What kind of father does that?? A female child is vulnerable and should be protected at all cost. He had taken responsibility for what had happened but promised it would not happen again as much as he was alive. He had slacked too much due to sickness and obviously love for his wife who was at the verge of taking them into an unimaginable problem. Little did he know that the did had been done already.

Standing by the door as he saw how helpless his daughter was, his fatherly instinct took over and it took only a push for him to feel like hugging and reassuring her that he would stand up for her for whatever may happen. There, he made a decision to stand up and man up the house. Layla doesn't want to go back and so be it. Damn the consequences!!!!


Handsome Devil  ✅ Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora