The Duke scoffed before spitting towards me. Freida took the baton herself from the guard and hit the side of his face with it. It was too late for me to stop the woman but it seems like it's working.

"How dare you do such a thing towards the emperor! Don't your mother ever teach you to be polite to your superior?! How disgraceful for your family name!" I take this chance to grabbed Freida's hand before she swings the baton again.

"I think that's enough. I don't him to be too dead for me to talk to," Freida sighs before she gave the baton back to the guard.

"Now, Duke Charles. Have you considered telling us the truth? I am willing to be here all day if you want me to," The duke spits out the blood from his mouth and face me with his dagger eyes.

I sigh when he seems to keep his promise to the council members.

"I want Countess Genevieve to take over this interrogation. It seems he won't talk to us no matter what we do. Maybe he'll talk to Genevieve," his eyes widen when I mentioned Genevieve's name.

"I'm sure she'll have more fun dealing with him than watching both me and my fiancée having our lunch," Freida smirk.

"I'll make the call right away," I stand up from my chair and went to the door while ignoring the duke's plea.

"Are you ready to tell us what is going on?" He shakes his head no.

"Then, by all means, let Genevieve come," I was about to leave when he yells at me.

"You don't understand! I can't say anything when it comes to them! My life is at stake! I don't want my family to suffer because of it!" He's worried about that?

"And what makes you think you'll survive this ordeal if you keep your mouth shut? Dear good old duke Charles, you've tarnished the throne by belittling the next empress of this empire. You expect us to let you go? Even though I am good friends with your princess, but she knows that she wouldn't be able to let you go from here. You choose to be here, I thought you remember," he was thrashing around when I decided to leave the room.

"Investigate every single member of the council. I want to know what are they up to. Be discreet about it. I assume that the news about duke Charles is in our captive wasn't spread throughout the empire?" Freida nods as we walk across the hallways.

"What did Genevieve said?"

"She's bringing the duchess to the restaurant. But she will get herself here once you arrive. She sounds quite happy too," it's noon already? I better get going.

Upon arriving at the restaurant, I noticed a few mass media making coverage about our lunch. Lucky for us when Genevieve suggested that we asked a few security personnel to be on the scene to take care of any unnecessary situation.

"Alvia!" Kathryn excitedly wave for me when she saw me entering the restaurant. Genevieve sidles towards me before bowing her head.

"I'll get going then," I smiled.

"Make sure he soul every detail, okay?" Genevieve returns the smile before excusing herself.

"How did your day go, my empress?" I give her a kiss on the forehead before sitting at the chair right in front of her.

"My went pretty well actually. Her majesty was showing me some of the charity group she's currently handling. I get to meet a few talented and beautiful kids too. So this day been do me good," I'm so glad that she's having fun.

We were interrupted when a waiter came to give us the menu. There was a moment of silence when we were indulged by the varieties of cuisine this restaurant has to offer. After considering which dish I want, I look up from the menu and saw Kathryn seems defeated for some reason.

"I can't read this menu," she whispered loud enough for me to hear. I guess she hasn't learned how to read German yet huh.

"Will you be okay having the same dish as mine?" She nods. I call for the waiter and ordered our food and wine of the day. While we wait, I took this chance to look around the restaurant.

"Alvia ... can I tell you something that seems important but also seems waste of time for you to know and worry about?"

"Sure. What's troubling you, my empress?" She seems reluctant but after a few moments debating with herself, she decided to ask me anyway.

"I heard a few of the council members whispering among each other that they want to exterminate a mole. They also mentioned something about jeopardising their plan to make Nicholas their next leader," my eyes widen.

"Are you sure that you heard Nicholas?" Kathryn nods her head.

"They didn't notice me eavesdropping. But it seems like pretty important but also doesn't make sense," I ... can't believe this. There's a ... mole ... among my trusted minister? And Nicholas. They want him to be the next leader? Of what?

Of the throne?

Do they want to dethrone me?

"Are you okay?" Kathryn asked.

"I'm okay," I gave her an assuring smile but deep down I am angry, disappointed, and even feel betrayed. I have to admit it but Freida was right all along.

She was right all along.

The Emperor's Rose (GirlxGirl) (Futanari)Where stories live. Discover now