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18 March 2028
3rd Person's POV

"Happy birthday to you~" they all sang as Zhengting smiled throughout the whole song. They are in Yuehua at the moment and the whole entirety of NEX7, NINE PERCENT, and BlackR were in there surprising the man. Today is his 32nd birthday and it sure is special.

"Papa blow candles!" his youngest child Zhu Xiaomei clapped. Zhengting and Xiangyuan actually have 2 children through the past 5 years since they were married. His oldest son, Zhu Qingshi is 4 while his daughter Zhu Xiaomei is 3. They are actually a really cute family.

Zhengting grinned at his daughter as he made his wish and blew the candles. Everyone cheered as he brought his 2 children up on his lap. "Whose idea was this?" he asked. "Mama told us dress up then we bought cake and she told us plan!" Qingshi shrieked happily.

Zhengting looked over to his wife then put the kids down. They have been happily married and were happier when Qingshi and Xiaomei were born. They spend family times a lot but the two are never less intimate with each other. In fact, they have been much more intimate due to the lack of ability to be all lovey-dovey in front of the children.

"Thanks love" he said as he kissed her forehead, to her cheeks and lastly on her lips. It lingered for a while before they pulled away and giggled. The two kids are covering each other's eyes and the others are too. Yanjun and Tianyu are both married about 4 years ago and they have a son and a daughter called Lin Shixue and Lin Zhenghua. The two are actually cute.

Justin and Shushan were married a little over 2 years ago. They have a daughter, just born a few months ago. Xukun and Jiahuan... well their family is the biggest one. Their son Mingxu is 7 right now and they have 3 more children to which no one knew how it's possible to do that when you're idols but nothing's impossible.

Some of the others found their loves too like ChengCheng and Siyun and Linong with Michelle. Ziyi also found a designer called Meiqun, Xiao Gui found a fellow rapper called Zhenlin and Zhangjing found a chef named Jiayin. Everyone found someone and they're all happy.

"Who wants cake?" Zhengting then asked and the kids all cheered. They had cake and then celebrated as they talked for a while before going back to their own places, not forgetting to plan the next meet up as they always do. It was like a monthly thing they always had. It's always to someone's place or the beach or just any restaurants available.

They all have their own places now as they do have families and all that. Zhengting bought a mansion for his family to live in even though it's only the 4 of them and some maids around the place. It was big and grand, like really big and grand.

When they got back, the kids ran off to their rooms as the two parents slumped on the couch. "Having kids is hard" Zhengting said and Xiangyuan nods. "But I guess it's worth it" she smiled and he did as well. She didn't want to have children for some time but they ended up agreeing on having 2 and that was how Qingshi and Xiaomei came to be.

"I still remember that time when Qingshi was born and you nearly cried not because of him, but because you said that I look like I'm in so much pain" Xiangyuan chuckled as she reminisced the memory. "It was true though, you were screaming and crying and gripping my hand so tightly I was worried" he said.

"That's how childbirth works dummy" she rolled her eyes and he smiled seeing her laugh. "But seriously though, as much as I love our kids I don't want to have another one. It's too much pain and pressure I don't get how my cousin survived all my pain twice" she said. "She's the weird and crazy one you said it yourself" he said and she nodded in agreement.

They were quiet for a moment but decided to move to their bedroom instead so that they can lay down in a more comfortable way. But that ended up wrong and then they went all out with the intimacy. "Are you sure about this?" Zhengting asked as he slipped off his shirt and then hers. "Positive" she breathed out.

They made out for quite some time actually and that was why Xiangyuan was having a hard time to catch her breath. "Love, it's been so long. Are you sure? I'm scared of hurting you" Zhengting said again as he marked up her neck and her collarbones. "I'll be fine" she said. They started doing their thing and just as they finished and cleaned up, the kids walked in their room.

"Mama! We're hungry" Xiaomei said as she hopped on the bed with her brother tailing behind her. "What do you want to eat?" Xiangyuan asked. "Anything!" Qingshi said. "Hotpot it is" Xiangyuan got up and went to the kitchen to get the things she needs to prepare everything.

"Do you want to invite the rest of the group?" she asked as she prepared the pots and everything she needs. "Nah... let's have some quality family time" Zhengting said as he back-hugged her. "Papa! Qingshi ge is teasing me!" Xiaomei shouted from upstairs.

"You take care of them" Xiangyuan said as she continued to prepare the ingredients and food. "I'm too lazy to go upstairs, you take care of them" he said and she looked at him as if telling him that she was preparing the food with her eyes.

He groaned and went upstairs as she smiled winningly. It's just a normal day in the Zhu household.

By the time they finished and went to bed, Xiangyuan was still up. She couldn't sleep, wondering on what if this was all a dream. "Love?" Zhengting called out. "What if all of this is a dream? What if I wake up to my state a few years ago when no one actually cared about anything about me?" she asked. 

Zhengting smiled softly as he kissed her and said "You won't because I also feel like this is a dream, but it's all reality. Believe me when I say I love you, because I really do" he said and kissed her again.

They won't wake up and realize this is a dream, the stars think that it's too cruel. Because for them,

The Universe Cares

The Universe Cares // NINE PERCENT Zhu ZhengtingWhere stories live. Discover now