Chapter 2

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29 November 2019
Zhengting's POV

We were practicing for our next comeback actually, we as NINE PERCENT are having another comeback further this month. Oh right, let me introduce myself.

My name is Zhu. Zheng. Ting. I'm the main dancer of NINE PERCENT basically and yeah. We're actually in Banana Entertainment right now because most of us were here and we decided to practice here.

A knock was suddenly heard in the middle of our practice and Xiao Gui went to open it. "Mr. Su?" Zhangjing said. It wasn't often that our manager comes to us in the middle of our practice.

"Zhu Zhengting, Fan ChengCheng, Huang Minghao go pack your bags after the practice. Cai Xukun, pack your bags now and make it quick and go to Yuehua and meet Ms. Dong there" Mr. Su said.

"Wait, before I do, why?" Xukun asked. "You are going to be mentoring a boygroup survival show called Idol Producer, now go" Mr. Su said as Xukun nods and takes off at the speed of light.

"We are going to be what?" Justin asked. "You are going to be mentors for a boygroup survival show called Idol Producer" Mr. Su repeated himself. "Then why is Kunkun- ge going to Yuehua?" ChengCheng asked.

"You are not the only mentors there you know?" Mr. Su said. "Then who else?" I asked. "The cousins of BlackR" he said. "You mean, Xiangyuan and Jiahuan?" Justin asked as our manager nods.

The two weird cousins. Sure they're talented and all but they are the definition of absolute crackheadity and unique. The two have been unseparable and well, they are often seen laughing so hard on their own and stuff. It sometimes creeps me out.

"I WON'T BE ABLE TO SEE MY PRECIOUS BELOVED SHUSHAN" Justin whines. "Oh right... Lin Yanjun, You Zhangjing, you two will be entering a performing competition with the other two members of BlackR" Mr. Su said.

Yanjun's face lit up as he screamed "YES MY BABY TIANYU I'M COMING FOR YOU!" "Whipped culture... then what are we supposed to do?" Ziyi asked. "Take a break until the 6 of them are done" Mr. Su said.

"I'M STUCK WITH THIS MORON?!" Linong screamed pointing at Xiao Gui. "Excuse you?" Xiao Gui said offendedly. "Anyways, continue your practice or chill out a bit, remember you three Yuehua boys" Mr. Su said before leaving the room.

"What now?" I asked as I sat down on the floor drinking. "Yanjun..." Zhangjing called out as the said man's head shot up to him. "You never told us how you met her... Tianyu I mean" Ziyi said.

"It's cliché and weird to say the least. Are you sure you wanna hear it?" Yanjun warned as we nod. "It was when we were in high school. I had my playboy attitude which was flirting with girls and she hated it" Yanjun started off.

"Then I took interest in her so I flirted with her as well. She thought that I was playing with her so she gave me the cold shoulder for nearly 4 months. Then, I asked for her permission to court her and she said that she'll give me a month" Yanjun said and by now, everyone was already getting ready to puke.

"During that one month, I literally tried my best in winning her heart which I successfully did despite her being a junior and I'm a senior and yeah" Yanjun said. By now, Linong, Zhangjing, me and Xiao Gui were all cringing to his story.

ChengCheng was already puking up his insides, not literally though. But if Xukun was here then he would tell everyone his own cringy story which we found sweet but cheesy.

"I don't even know how she fell for you with your cold and unfunny jokes" Zhangjing said as Yanjun smacked him a couple of times.

"You're lucky, mine is way more cliché than yours" Justin said. "What happened to you and Shushan anyways?" Yanjun asked. Me and ChengCheng instinctively groaned at how cliché their story is.

"It was when I entered the company. She was already training there, nearing BlackR's debut" Justin started off. ChengCheng covered his ears already because he knows how the story goes already.

"I admired her dancing abilities and well we became friends quickly since we're at the same age" Justin said. "YOU NEVER ADMIRED MY DANCING ABILITIES" I sulked. "Yes I do ge, now as I was saying, as we became friends we hang out a lot" Justin said.

"Since her debut day, I had been supporting them and such and then it came to me one day that I had feelings for her. So one day I asked her to stay back inside her practice room and she just followed my instructions" Justin said.

I was preparing to cringe in this part because literally, I can't take it. "Then I asked her out and she said yes so yeah that's it" Justin ended his story. "That's cliché indeed but one question" Linong said.

"What?" Justin asked. "Did you kiss after that?" Linong asked innocently. "OH YES 我喜欢 (I like that)!" Yanjun shouts. Justin's face turned red as we all cheered. "Our youngest..." Ziyi faked sobbed.

"Sometimes I wonder how I got geges like you" Justin said. "Because we won in that survival show" I blankly said. "Yeah okay that makes sense" Justin said. "Of course it does" I said.

"But what doesn't make sense is that I have a girlfriend while you don't when you are clearly older than me" Justin said. I clutched my chest where my heart is in the inside and frowned.

They all laughed at my suffering and I pouted. "过分 (Excessive)" (but in Chinese it sounds way better than excessive) They laugh even harder and I chose to just sulk on my own.

"Alright ge... we won't tease you anymore" ChengCheng said as he wipes a tear from his eye as a result of laughing too much. I frowned and sighed. Raising kids is hard, really hard.

"Can we just go back to the dorms?" Yanjun asked as we all nod. Just then, Mr. Su came back inside and said "Also, your flight is tomorrow so prepare yourselves" before going outside again.

"Okay let's just go and pack our bags" Justin said as we nod and get out the practice room to get to the dorms. We laughed and talked about the whole way there. I received a notification from Xukun that he would be staying at BlackR's dorm.

I sighed as I thought, 'Raising 2 kids is hard enough, and now I have to take care of 7 of them' "What's wrong?" ChengCheng asked. "Kunkun told me that he will be staying at BlackR's dorm which means that I will be responsible of you guys" I said.

"Good luck mom" ChengCheng patted my shoulder as he catches up with Justin. We arrived at the dorm and I immediately said "All of you don't make a mess here because Kunkun is staying over at BlackR's dorm" I said.

"Okay" they all said as me, Justin, and ChengCheng go in our shared room. "Ge what are you going to bring?" Justin asked. "Clothes and stuff like those of course, and I don't know maybe other stuff" I said.

Justin nods as we continue packing. "Ge, do we have to bring like padding coats and such?" ChengCheng asked. "Duhh... unless you're planning to freeze in Beijing" I said. "Good point" ChengCheng said before resuming in packing.

Soon enough, we finished and I took my place on the top bunk and lay down there. "Goodnight ge" Justin said. "Goodnight" I said before drifting off to sleep.

I hope tomorrow can be wonderful as ever.

The Universe Cares // NINE PERCENT Zhu ZhengtingWhere stories live. Discover now