Chapter 7

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20 December 2019
Zhengting's POV

I woke up today again with her in my arms. I've... grown to love this feeling of her near me to be honest. I know it is me who initiated these kind of stuff but I can't help myself. I love affection and hugs, especially from this one.

And there goes my feelings again. Yes, it's obvious that I like her. It just started since we came here I guess but I don't really know for sure. For all I know it may be in disguise all this time but I think I'm just gonna leave it at that.

I stared at her sleeping face. It's one of the days when I get to wake up earlier than she does. She said that back then Jiahuan used to wake up so early and wake her up as well that it became a habit to wake up early. It was quite funny listening to her ranting about how she could've gotten more sleep.

Well, how she told me that? We were just casually chatting around when we came up to the topic on what we would regret to the most. I was asked that and I mentioned one of my embarrassing childhood moments which she found amusing. In return, she told me about that.

She basically told me about all the damage that cousin of hers created. Like breaking a wooden spoon in half while scooping ice cream in her house and breaking all 2 eggs she was trying to fry, emphasis on trying. It nearly got burnt and it didn't only because their aunt was with them.

She also told me on how Jiahuan broke something like a perfume bottle and everything. She was basically already keeping all the revenge plans to herself already and she was ranting frantically to me at that very moment that it was funny.

She told me that she will never trust that specific cousin of hers on her piano in her house because she's afraid that the destructive main subject she was talking about would break it or something. I find her stories somehow amusing.

I once again stare at her face. This time I paid attention on her features. Her nose, her lips slightly parted and letting out light snores, her messy bed hair which is partially covering her face and lastly, I focused on her beautiful eyes.

I've always had some sort of fascination of her eyes. They look like they were drawn Leonardo da Vinci and Picasso themselves. Her perfect eyelids and long eyelashes. I didn't realize I was staring until I myself snapped myself out of my trance.

Falling in love with her is hard. There are so many stages I have to get to until I become completely crazy for a person but to her, I feel like I've gotten crazy for her in just one glance from those amazingly beautiful eyes of hers.

I know that I'm unhealthily in love with her right now but dating her at this very moment is going to be very dangerous for our careers. Everyone knows the lives of idols, no privacy at all. One day, everyone will find out about all this and once they do, it might not be pretty.

She slowly flutters her eyes open and I act as if nothing happened so she won't be suspicious of me. She looks at me and smiles. I swear she can light up the whole world with that bright smile of hers.

"Morning" she says with her usual cheerful voice. "Morning" I said and she suddenly stands up. "I'm making breakfast" she said and I nod as she gets to the kitchen and I lay still. Not now heart, I said in my mind.

I stand up and head to the kitchen as well. I saw her skillfully flipping a pancake and I decided to ask "When did you learn to cook like that?" She laughs as she probably reminisced the memory and said "It all started with me turning on the stove and dropping the egg because of it"

Weird flashback noises in cartoons because why not
Xiangyuan's POV

I wanted to cook for my mother for the first time but I am new to cooking so I just decided to cook up some scrambled eggs and maybe toast. So I rummaged through the fridge to find everything.

Once I did, I put them on a table and take a frying pan as I put some oil in it. I took one egg so that I can just crack it open when I turn the stove on. Bad idea. I turned it on and the egg dropped making the kitchen a mess.

End of flashback
Zhengting's POV

"Damn, what did your mom say?" I asked. "She grounded me for a whole week because I messed up the kitchen and I only learnt how to cook properly when I was like 10" she chuckled as she thinks of the memory.

"At least you learnt to cook, unlike a special someone" I said referring to that cousin of hers. "She can actually cook but she has to read recipes and has to have labels on the ingredients because she can't differentiate sugar and salt" she said.

"Why does she remind me of my mom?" I said. "She actually said that she will be just like your mom in cooking when you mentioned it in the interview" she said. "She watched that thing?" I asked in bewilderment.

"She watched every single episode at least 3 times each already so what do you expect? You know, she wastes like 90 hours or more in just watching it and she ain't even failing on anything" she said. "Life isn't fair is it?" I said and she shakes her head as a no as she plates the food.

"Bon appétit" she said as she places the food on the table. "Thanks" I said and we start to eat. After we finish eating, she washes up in the bathroom and after she finished doing that, I did it.

I guess we just spent the day on watching movies now and then and basically telling stories about each other and whatnot. That is until Xukun told us to go to their room for some sort of meeting.

So we did and it was about songs again. Apparently, about some other things as well but they're all related to songs. There will be some sort of mentor collaboration and there will only be 5 teams. And me and Xiangyuan ended up in one team, the rest are on their own.

Jiahuan was also told to compose 2 more songs for their finals. But I don't get on why they need the songs now when it's like in 4 months or what-so-ever. We decided to make 2 songs which have completely different concepts and genres so like there's a visible difference.

Then we basically just went into a karaoke place. We sang the breath out of our lungs and had fun. And due to everyone being able to do vocals, we basically sound okay. But if there are high notes we leave it to the 2 girls.

Besides, they have their main vocal with them and our main vocal is at a dance competition so no thanks. Then, we basically just go out to eat, bumping into a few people who recognized us along the way.

After we finish eating, we just basically went back and got ready for bed. After we both finished in getting ready, we just lay down on the bed and began drifting off to sleep.

When will I be able to confess to her like any boy in love would?

I'm sorry I have got no idea on what to update about.

The Universe Cares // NINE PERCENT Zhu ZhengtingWhere stories live. Discover now