Battle in the forest

Start from the beginning

Nothingness, forever. What the Elves had been spared.

She was very worried about the King's reaction. Thranduil, years before, had returned to happiness with Roswehn, after having cried for his Queen for centuries. How would he face a new loss, a new blow to his heart? Would he have had the strength to continue to defend Greenwood, after having received the news?

She thought of her husband. She needed to be with him, at that moment more than ever.

"Hazel." She said again. "Come back soon, I beg you."


"They have crossed the Mountains. Those cursed beings have crossed the Mountains!" said Goneril, as soon as she heard in the distance the growls of the approaching Orcs. "They must have dug underground tunnels."

Haldir approached her. "I'm ready to fight. Let them come forward!" he said, his eyes still red from crying. Goneril admired the strength of the elf prince. He seemed to have recovered from the shock of his mother's death. Or maybe, he was trying not to think about it at all.

"No. There are too many of them for the two of us. We have to look for a hiding place and let them pass by. They are not our target, anyway. Come!" She said to Haldir, searching for a spot in the forest full of thick bushes.

The two hid behind that barrier of bushes and peered through the brushwood. "They will pass without noticing our presence. We are upwind, they will not even smell us."

"But I smell them!" said Haldir, with a grimace. "Acrid smell of death."

"Silence." the warrior ordered.

Soon the creatures of Sauron made their appearance: first six scouts, sent ahead with the Wargs, and then all the others. The Orcs advanced cautiously through the woods, looking to the right and left in search of Elves. One of them surprised a fox that ran around the bushes and killed him with a chop. He tore off his head and brought it to his mouth.

"Stop that!" another Orc shouted, evidently in command position. "It's not time to eat!" he scolded the other with his slurred voice.

"But I am hungry. We are marching from two bloody days ..." the other protested, throwing away the animal's head.

"We'll eat later!" the leader growled. "You will eat the body of the King!"

Everyone laughed.

Haldir grabbed the hilt of his sword and moved forward. Without saying a word, Goneril held his hand. No, her eyes told him.

"Elf meat! Never tried! It must be delicious!" said one of the little monsters.

Suddenly, the neigh of a horse was heard. An intense and unpleasant noise. Haldir and Goneril covered their ears with their hands.

Even the Orcs jumped in fear. Everyone turned back. There was something threatening behind them. Something that those beings were subjected to.

"Let's move!" cried one. "Let's not make him angry! Go on with the march!"

The soldier sensed that it must have been the Nazgûl. He was behind the company of Orcs, he followed them.

"There he is." She said in a whisper to the prince. "Come on. Get ready."

"The Ghost?" whispered Haldir. Goneril replied. "Yes. Khamûl, the Shadow of the East. Stay calm. We'll see him at soon. Give me your sword." Goneril ordered.

"And why?" Haldir wanted to know.

"No questions, Elf. You'll understand soon, lend me your grandfather's sword. Take mine." She answered, giving him the golden sword and taking Oropher's. It was heavy.

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