Forty - 9(M)

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I'm in so much trouble.

"Am I crazy?" Jeongguk asks, pulling away for a moment to mouth at Taehyung's jaw, his neck, grazing his teeth along the skin, and Taehyung just tips his head back to give him free reign, eyes practically rolling to the back of his head with the pleasure of having Jeongguk's mouth on his skin. "For wanting this so much?"

"W-well," Taehyung says, breathless. "W-who wouldn't be crazy for me," He tries to be cheeky, but it doesn't sound nearly as good as it did in his head, not when everything he says is punctuated by gasps and whimpers. Jeongguk bites at Taehyung's shoulder, the strip of skin exposed by his DIY project. He yelps, but raises his shoulder, pressing closer.

"What the fuck is this shirt?" Jeongguk growls, tugging at the fabric. Taehyung has no answer for him besides a needy moan as he scrambles to pull Jeongguk back to kiss him. They stumble down the hall, Taehyung leading Jeongguk, and tugs him towards his bedroom. Jeongguk presses him against the door and sucks on Taehyung's bottom lip impatiently as Taehyung struggles blindly for the doorknob.

He whines in relief when the door finally opens and they fall into the room. Jeongguk pushes him back until he feels the mattress behind him, and falls onto it. Jeongguk, it seems, has no patience for any sort of showmanship, because he's got Taehyung completely stripped down in a matter of seconds, and rips his own shirt over his head.

Taehyung only gets a few precious seconds to drink in Jeongguk's glorious chest before he's being shoved back onto the pillows.


"Hands and knees," Jeongguk orders, and Taehyung doesn't even spare a moment to think, just does as he's told. He turns his head to see Jeongguk settle behind him, and he's embarrassingly hard, the erection hanging between his legs. And that's just from kissing him.

Jeongguk's hand is so impossibly warm as he rubs it across the expanse of Taehyung's back, fingers pressing against the base of his spine, before squeezing Taehyung's ass appreciatively.

Taehyung lurches at that, loving the sting of it, and he can already feel a bead of precome leaking out and dropping onto the bed.

"Fuck, Tae, can I eat you out?" Jeongguk asks, the poorly concealed lust making his voice rough around the edges, and Taehyung's elbows wobble, almost faceplanting into the pillows.

"P-plea--" Taehyung can't bring himself to finish a damn word, nerves alight with anticipation. Jeongguk brings his other hand to Taehyung's other ass cheek, and he kneads them, just hard enough to drag another moan out of Taehyung.

He spreads Taehyung's cheeks apart and rubs his thumb around his puckered hole. Taehyung whines at that, and Jeongguk wonders what kind of noises Taehyung will make when Jeongguk gets his mouth on him. He leans in and runs his tongue experimentally over Taehyung's entrance, gauging his reaction. Taehyung just lets out a sob, and it definitely does things for Jeongguk's confidence, and he presses forward, encouraged.

He runs his tongue over Taehyung again, this time pressing the tip of his tongue into his entrance, and at that, Taehyung loses his strength, elbows giving way and he drops down onto the pillows.

"Keep your ass up for me," Jeongguk says, pulling away to readjust Taehyungs hips, and he makes such a beautiful sight, completely submissive and offering himself up like this. "Good boy," he murmurs. He can feel his cock rubbing painfully against the material of his briefs, but he ignores it, focusing on pleasuring Taehyung.

It becomes obvious to Jeongguk very quickly that Taehyung is more sensitive than most of his previous partners, and he loves being rimmed, because with every lick, every press of Jeongguk's tongue into Taehyung's hole, he lets out a beautiful little sob, voice getting higher and more broken with every passing moment.

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