33 | Empress For A Day

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"The emperor is one lucky man. To get himself a wife like the duchess is rare. My wife doesn't even go to this extent when I was sick. Her love seems pure," the kitchen helper said while they preparing the stuff for dinner as well.

"We are lucky to serve her as our new empress. She reminds me a lot of the former empress. No other nobility even care to get their hands dirty at the kitchen," the head chef clears his throat when he walks past his kitchen helpers.

"The duchess been through a lot today. So let us at least help her prepare the things she needs. I heard she had quite a day replacing the emperor," they all agree.

Kathryn always finds cooking as a way to release her tension after a long hard day of work. After finishing putting the last touches on Alvia's dinner, she thanked everyone who had helped her.

"Don't mention it, my lady. We hope the emperor enjoys his dinner," Kathryn smiles before excusing herself while holding a tray of a delicious bowl of chicken soup of her fiancée.

When she managed to open the door towards their bedroom, she saw Alvia sitting on the bed with her back on the headboard. Alvia's face lots up when she saw Kathryn finally back.

"What's that you're bringing?" She asked with anticipation.

"I just made chicken soup. It's the best remedy for a cold. What are you doing up? You should be resting while taking your medicine," Alvia chuckles.

"You sound like my mother. I'm feeling better so I thought I might as well watch some television," Kathryn shakes her head while placing the tray of food on the side table.

"I can feed myself," Alvia immediately said when Kathryn was about to feed her.

"Can you please for once let me take care of you." Kathryn wasn't asking, she demands it. Alvia can't say anything but to obliges.

"How was your day?" Alvia asked after she swallows the chicken soup that was feed to her.

"My day sucks. I have to face so much shit today and I hate it. This is by far the worst day of my life," Alvia feels guilty that Kathryn has to go through the day like that.

"Why is it so important that I was born with nothing? Does it make a difference just because they were shoved with a silver spoon as soon as they were born? That's what I don't get," Kathryn realised she's making Alvia feel guilty.

"This is not your fault. You were sick, you can't avoid being sick. You're just a human after all. Here, say ah," Alvia opens her mouth as Kathryn continues to feed her.

"May I have a glass of water?" Alvia asked. Kathryn grabbed a glass of water that's on the tray and gave it to Alvia.

"I'm sorry. You shouldn't have to go through the day as you did. How can I make it better for you? Just say it and it'll be done," Kathryn giggles as she feeds Alvia the last two spoon full of her dinner.

"You want to know how you can make it better for me?" Alvia nods.

"Get better. That's all I asks for," Alvia was bewildered by Kathryn's request.

"Usually this is the time for you to ask for something from your fiancée. Like jewellery, a car or a trip overseas. If there is anything, anything at all, I'll gladly make it happen for you," Alvia takes Kathryn's hands into hers.

"As I said earlier, get better. That's all I want from you. And why would I need jewels and gems? I only have so many parts in my body. I don't need a car since I don't even know how to drive. And why would I want to go overseas since Gralia have everything any foreign country can offer? I live in the palace for God sake," Kathryn wipes off Alvia's mouth from the smear and went to place the tray outside their room for the maids.

When Kathryn gets back inside, Alvia was taking her medicine from the side table drawers. Alvia watches as Kathryn went to sit at the edge of the bed while looking down on the floor.

"What's wrong, my empress?" Kathryn sighs.

"Am I really cut out to be one? Every guest that came to see you today expressed their true feelings when they came to see me instead,"

"I heard. I'll handle them when I'm well enough. How dare hey tarnish the throne's name. It sickens me every time it happens," Kathryn patted Alvia's hands.

"Don't be too harsh on them. They were just trying to tell me that I'm not cut out to be an empress. And I understand because I wasn't born as a noble. I never receive an extensive lesson about being one and how to be a leader. They have points for that,"

"No, they don't! Belittling you means they belittling me, their emperor. How dare they say all those stuff in front of you," once again Kathryn patted her hands.

"You can't always protect me especially from word of mouth. I'm not that weak though, don't you worry. But sometimes I do have insecurities to battle. And I just wish I know how to overcome that," Alvia finally smiles at Kathryn.

"Then my decision to make countess Genevieve as your advisor is spot on. I'm not sure if Genevieve ever told you but she is not a pure noble herself. Her father was the Malvin family gardener but her mother saw something in him that every other suitor doesn't have. So if you want advice, Genevieve would be the perfect candidate," Kathryn was surprised. She has no idea that the countess's background was like that even.

"So she received backlash like I did?" Alvia nods.

"Far more worst since she supposes to be the next head of the Malvin family. But since I offer this job, she passed down the title to her sister, countess Clemence,"

"Why would she agree to be my advisor when she has a better job than babysitting someone like me?" Alvia chuckles.

"Because she owes me," Kathryn wants to ask more about their past but she knows her boundary of things. It wouldn't be fair for Genevieve if she asks for a personal matter. She is just m not that type of person after all.

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