Sunglow Brilliance

Start from the beginning

''But why? Wouldn't he try to use it on us?'' The Green Ninja asked.

''Not on us. On Ninjago. He always wanted to turn our world into his own image. Now we know how it will be done.'' Wu said.

''But if he starts turning things evil, the balance will shift and allow the Overlord to cross over into our world,'' Misako replied.

''Then we have to make sure that my father never fires that weapon.'' Lloyd told the others, and they followed the tracks, except for Doctor Julien.

Zane noticed that his father was panting. ''Father!'' 

''You go on without me. I'm an inventor, not a fighter. I'll only get in the way.'' His father replied.

''But what will you do?'' The nindroid asked.

 ''I'll be back at the Bounty waiting for you to return in one piece. But don't worry, a part of me will always be with you.'' Doctor Julien answered, putting a hand on his son's shoulder.

 ''Be well, Father,'' Zane replied, letting the Falcon land on his arm.

 ''Be safe.'' His father said, and the nindroid caught up with the others. Zane turned and waved at his father before following the tracks.

''Um, is anyone else thinking about how this might be our final fight together?'' Jay asked the others.

''Yeah,'' Kai answered.

''Of course,'' Zane replied.

''It's all I've been thinking about,'' Cole answered.

''We've come a long way. It wasn't that long ago when Sensei first found us.'' Kai told the others.

''Hey,'' Jay said, chuckling. ''You remember that time Kai thought he was the Green Ninja?'' He asked the others, making everyone except Kai laugh.

''That was quite the memory,'' Zane replied.

''He was so not,'' Cole added.

''Or what about when the Hypnobrai hypnotized Cole and we had to fight him?'' Zane asked the ninja and they laughed. 

''We should've just kicked his butt,'' Kai replied.

''Ha. You had to destroy my treehouse.'' Lloyd said.

''Or how about that time Sensei came out of the guts of the Devourer's belly,'' Zane said, making the others groan. ''Drinking Tea?''

''Oh, that was so gross!'' Cole exclaimed.

''Yeah. I thought he was a goner.'' The Lightning Ninja added.

Wu hit Jay with his bamboo staff. ''Wrong again, Mr. Emptyhead.''

The group then saw someone run in front of them, the group stopped the figure disappearing as quickly as they appeared. 

She could sense her prey, the hunters becoming the hunted. They were scared, which was good. 

 ''Whoa.'' Lloyd said.

''Something is wrong here,'' Cole spoke.

''Where? Where?'' Jay asked, looking around.

''Did I just see...'' Kai asked the others.

 ''I sense an evil presence,'' Zane told the others.

Suddenly, a blue hovering flame appeared, followed by more.  The group looked at the wisps, confused.

Someone used Spinjitzu on Cole.

Ring around the rosie

A pocket full of posies

Dreams: Rewritten | Ninjago Reader Insert & x GN!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now