39. A little bit dramatic

Start from the beginning

These small games had become a habit between them, and Collin loved the fluttering feeling he got from the push and pull. There was only the glaring problem that he much preferred the pull part. He tried to contain the flirting to a minimum, but it was extremely hard when every fibre of his being begged him to get the guy. And the guy was Adam, which made it even more of a challenge.

Collin never knew he had a thing for a man in a lab-coat, but apparently he had developed one. And it boosted his interest in the internship as much as it did his frustration.

Even if he did decide on pursuing his supervisor – not that he was considering it, of course - he didn't even know if Adam liked men. He had been paying close attention to any possible mention of non-straight activity, but it had been fruitless so far. There had been references of guy-friends, but nothing more than that.

He had pondered asking Jane about it, but she and Adam didn't seem to have any relationship besides colleagues, so the mystery continued.

In a word full of men he had to be crushing on the older, sexually ambiguous, stubborn guy with a great butt.

- Have you seen the professor today? – Jane asked, interrupting Collin's musings about his supervisor's behind. – She hasn't checked on my project in forever.

Adam shifted his attention from the liquid he was stirring.

- She called me to her office this morning to talk about mine.

The girl leaned her head back with a heavy sigh.

- Thanks anyway.

Collin placed the test tube holder on the tray, lifting it for Jane to take. She flashed him a small smile as a thanks, grabbing the tray and making her way to the exit. As soon as the door closed, Collin skipped to the counter, where Adam was currently bent over, slowly pouring the deionized water into an Erlenmeyer flask.

The younger placed an elbow on the balcony right beside a focused Adam, resting his chin on his hand.

- Adam?

- What?

- It's my birthday.

Adam put down the water, straightening his torso to look up at the ceiling as if asking for divine intervention.

- If you keep saying that, it's going to be your last one.

- Jealous of my youth, old man?

Adam side-eyed him with a cocked eyebrow, and without a response, returned to his work. Collin smiled but stayed silent, watching him. He knew he was being completely useless but he deserved it. After all, it was his birthday.

Once measuring was completed, Adam grabbed the aluminium foil, pouring the contents into the flask as well.

- How are you celebrating?

Collin looked up at him.

- My birthday?

He responded to the annoyed look with a cheeky smile.

- Me and my friends are going to a sushi place near here. Actually, - he straightened his back, fishing his phone from the pocket of his lab coat to check the time. – I should go get ready.

- What time is it?

- Ten past six.

Adam hummed in response, grabbing the flask and making his way to the microwave. Collin didn't follow him, instead walking to the rack beside the door while unbuttoning his lab coat.

- I have a drama club meeting on Monday after class, so I can't come by.

- Okay, but remember to read the updated files I sent you.

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